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Saturday, May 6, 2017

A New Pet Owner's Guide to Disaster Preparation For Your Dogs

A New Pet Owner's Guide to Disaster Preparation For Your Dogs

Bringing a new dog home requires reevaluating your current disaster plan. From house fires to widespread catastrophic events, you need to prepare for having to leave your home quickly to protect you and your pet’s safety. As your adorable new pup settles in, use these tips to prepare to keep them safe in any type of disaster.

Put Up an Emergency Alert Sticker
Window stickers are available that you can use to alert emergency response authorities to the presence of a pet in the house. These stickers provide enough space to list the number and types of animals that you have in your home along with a phone number for their veterinarian. In the case of an evacuation, make sure to write that you have all evacuated across the sticker so that no one tries to search your home for survivors.

Designate a Safe Shelter
Depending upon the emergency event, you may need to find somewhere separate for your pet to stay. As a general rule, conditions that force you to evacuate also mean that your pet is no longer safe in the home either. Designate a nearby friend or kennel as a safe shelter that you can use to lodge your dog if where you are going is not pet-friendly or safe.

Double Up on Identification
Scared dogs sometimes get loose during an emergency. For this reason, you will want to make absolutely sure that they can be easily identified. Microchipping is always the most effective type of identification since it cannot be removed. However, well-meaning people in your neighborhood can also use traditional dog tags to let you know that they have found your pet. Doubling up will ensure that you get your dog back as quickly as possible after it is found.

Pack an Emergency Kit
If you must flee your home, having an emergency kit located with your dog will allow you to quickly grab a leash and other pet care necessities. Fill your bag with the following items, and consider packing a smaller bag that you can stash in the car.
• A week’s worth of dog food
• A week’s worth of bottled water for each person and your dog
• Disposable bags for waste cleanup
• Paper towels
• An extra leash, collar and dog tags
• Feeding dish and water bowl
Grooming supplies
• Medications as needed
• Traveling crate
• Phone number for veterinarian and emergency hospital in different city
• Cage liners
• Toys, blankets and other comfort items

Plan for Sheltering in Place
Being ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice will give you confidence that you can keep your pet safe. However, you will also need to be ready to shelter in place during a severe storm. Choose a room that offers the most safety for you and your dog to wait out an emergency, and stock it with the same emergency supplies that you placed in your go bag. At the first sign of an emergency, place your leash on your dog, and lead them to their safe room for shelter.

Disaster preparation is an unfortunate necessity in life, but you will feel better knowing that you are ready for anything when it comes to keeping your new dog safe. By taking the time to prepare today, you can give your dog the best chances for surviving an emergency so that they can enjoy a healthier future.

This is a guest post from Hey Rover Be Right Over Mobile Grooming -Thanks Kyle !

PREPPER'S FAVORITE: Emergency Get Home Bag with First Aid Kit, Water Filter, Food, Fire, Tools and Shelter. Ideal Compact Bug Out Bag, Earthquake Kit, EDC or 72 Hr Kit. Tactical Shoulder Bag Model

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