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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Years 2020 from Family Disaster Dogs

Image result for happy new years 2020 dogs video"
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To the World From 

Family Disaster Dogs

My Puppy Can Find Me

Thank you to all the dogs and hoomans 
who have joined us this year learning how to find family and help in emergencies!

You are what makes Family Disaster Dogs

author Amber Higgins

Thank you for all the support in 2019 !

Thank you for following, sharing and reading my books and articles at Family Disaster Dogs

Here we go into the roaring 2020's

Follow that dog!

Go Dogs!!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Family Dog can Find Missing Loved Ones-watch video to learn how easy

Here is a video of my family dog, "Washee" learning to look for a family member. 

The wind is blowing very hard making the scent trail blow around also.

Training note: Sand surfaces hold scent differently than dirt or grass surfaces. By watching and reading the dog on each different surface, the handler learns with the dog what to expect on those surfaces. Every surface type should be worked in training to gradually and eventually learn how scent behaves in each type of surface and environment.

Keep in Mind

Our family dogs can find lost or missing friends and family they know. Our dogs do this every day when they want attention, food or to go outside, they find us. So why not ask them to find mom, or whoever is missing from the pack?

I can show you how,...just ask or read my books or visit the Family Disaster Dogs site.

You can look us up on Facebook and Twitter, too!

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Twitter URDogCanRescueU

I Did It! I Found Her!

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Monday, December 23, 2019

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

My Puppy Can Find Me-Book Reviews 2019

Wow, what nice reviews for my latest book!!!

My Puppy Can Find Me children's book

Review #1:
Review Rating:
5 Stars -

Reviewed By Amy Raines for Readers’ Favorite

My Puppy Can Find Me is written by Amber Higgins and illustrated by Helen “Scotty” King.

In this educational picture book, a child can learn how to utilize the family dog’s innate intelligence in a crisis situation. Dogs are naturally loyal to their humans, which makes it easy to teach children to use their pet's obedience training to help them during emergency situations. Each page of My Puppy Can Find Me reinforces the key points of a dog’s obedience in a fun way so that kids will easily remember that their furry friend can be a genuine hero. It is very difficult to think that the unthinkable could happen but children do sometimes get separated from their families. This picture book can help a child learn to keep calm, use their dog’s training, and wait for help to come.

I recommend My Puppy Can Find Me by Amber Higgins to anyone who has children and a family dog. Every page easily explains how important it is for a child to remain calm during a crisis because their dog can help them. I love how Higgins provided 'fill in the blanks' for a family dog’s name so that a child can clearly see that their dog can save them if they use the training exercises. The beautiful illustrations by Helen “Scotty” King are fun and interactive as they reinforce life-saving concepts of their pet’s ability to help them. What I loved the most about My Puppy Can Save Me is how Higgins made the story easy for early readers to comprehend.

Review #2:
Review Rating:
5 Stars -

Review by Anastasia

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS BOOK!! It is the perfect book for children and their family to learn how the family dog can be their own real life Lassie hero dog! I love that it opens a deep level of trust between children and their dog by the child learning how special their dog is. Another great part is gives them a FUN and INTERACTIVE education on how to work together with their dog in the event of being scared, lost, or other emergencies, so it’s an enjoyable learning experience for children and their families!

Wonderful size book, BEAUTIFUL illustrations, and written so fun and easy to read!

Love love love!! You are an inspiration to us Amber Higgins!

See the Review Page HERE

Click to see reviews for Family Disaster Dogs book on Amazon 

My Puppy Can Find Me book was published by Waldorf Publishing in Nov 2019 and discontinued Jan 2021 due to the Covid19 virus which put a stop to in-person book signing events, dog training events and closed book stores etc. You can email me (the author) via the contact page in the menu above if you would like a copy. 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Could A Shiba Inu Be The Perfect Dog Breed For You?

The Shiba Inu is a breed of dog that originally came from Japan, and is becoming a lot more popular. They’re a good medium sized breed and they’re very intelligent as well. They’re an adaptable dog and they get on well in both urban and rural environments, which is why they are the most common dog in Japan and they’re becoming more popular around the world.

They tend to be good natured and friendly, which makes them the ideal companion, and they come in a range of different colors as well. If you are looking for a new dog, these are just some of the reasons why a Shiba Inu might be the perfect breed for you.

Pixabay CCO License

When you are choosing a dog, you want one that will be a loyal member of the family. Shiba Inus are an incredibly loyal breed of dog and you will find that they take to family life very easily. When they are a small puppy, they are very affectionate dogs, but as they get older, they will take on the role of protector a bit more. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t want to play with you as well.


High Emotional IQ 

When people say that Shiba Inus are very intelligent, they don’t mean that they’re good at learning tricks. In fact, if you want a dog that will do lots of tricks for you then you should go for a different breed because they’re not that great at it. But they do have a very high emotional IQ. That means that they are very good at reading people and understanding when there is something wrong. 

This makes them ideal emotional support animals because they know if you are upset and they will comfort you. However, if you want to form a good relationship with your dog, it’s important that you respect their intelligence when you are training them and you do not try to use aggressive training methods because they will quickly become angry. 

Good Overall Health 

Certain breeds of dog, like King Charles Spaniels or Pugs are prone to a lot of health issues and as they get older, it is likely that you will spend a lot of time at the vets with them. When you are a dog owner, it’s important that you manage the health of your dog properly, and that can be tough with certain breeds. You also have to consider the financial aspect because vet bills can be very expensive and if your dog needs treatments on a regular basis, it’s tough to manage the cost. But you won’t have that problem with a Shiba Inu because they have very good overall health. They are very active dogs and they have a good build, and aside from a few potential eye issues and a slight risk of hip dyspepsia, they do not have any serious health problems.

The only potential issue is weight gain because they are very active. If you don’t exercise them enough, they will quickly put weight on. But as long as you get the right dog food for Shiba Inu and you take them on regular walks, they should be fine. If you do not have the time to walk them regularly enough, you should go for a different breed that does not need as much exercise.


Any dog owner will tell you that owning a dog is going to be messy. Most dogs like to get outside and roll around in the dirt, and they won’t bother cleaning themselves off before they start running around the house when you get home from your walk either. It’s just part of owning a dog and you just get used to it. But if you really hate the idea of a dog that makes a big mess in your home, you should consider a Shiba Inu. They’re often described as being part cat because, unlike most dogs, they love to keep themselves clean. 

When you take them out for a walk, they will avoid all of the muddy puddles instead of jumping in them, and they can often be found grooming themselves. That means that you don’t need to give them a bath quite so often as you would with other breeds. They’re also a low-odor dog so if you don’t like the dog smell that develops in your home over time, they’re ideal. They are also good for people with allergies because, although you will never find a completely hypoallergenic dog, a Shiba Inu comes pretty close.

If you are looking for a new dog and you are trying to decide on a breed, you should definitely consider a Shiba Inu.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why There's No Dog Greater Than A Great Dane

Image source Pixabay - CC0 Licence

Have you ever seen a great Dane? These mammoth dogs look pretty intimidating at first glance, but get to know them and you’ll soon find out that they are the most quirky, gentle and lovable hounds known to humankind. The great Dane is not the most popular breed because of their sheer size. However, get to know these soppy giants and you will discover one of the most underrated and loyal breeds. Take a look at why there’s no greater dog than a great Dane.

They Are Laid Back

Now, you might think that you’re a pretty laid back human being. However, the great Dane is the ultimate laid back pooch. Even though they are huge, they don’t have much inclination to be too active. They are happiest when they are relaxing next to their human. Overgrown lap dog was a term conjured up specifically for this breed. 

Scour Instagram with the hashtag #greatdanepositions and you will see the sorts of sleeping positions that these dogs find themselves in. You never have to worry about a great Dane becoming overly excited or getting a little frisky. It simply won’t happen. 

Great Danes are made for lolloping and resting and being super soppy. Head out for a walk and the most active and excitable dog can approach them and they will remain calm and non pushed, almost to a comical extent. This makes them wonderful dogs to have around young children, especially toddlers.

They Are Smart

Although they are very silly, they can be trained. If you welcome a great Dane into your family, you will have a mutt who will be eager to please. He’ll be keen to sit, stay, fetch, give paw and lie down. 

You might even be able to get your hound to play dead. They’ll do anything for a treat so make sure you have a pocketful of hot-dog sausage before you embark on a training session. Because they are so laid back, don’t expect the training sessions to last too long. They’ll want to snuggle up with you after ten minutes!

They’ll Go At Your Pace

While they are known for their keenness to relax, the great Dane will be more eager to be by your side at all times because they are so loyal. If you’re out in the garden they’ll always be using their doggy door to take themselves outside with you. 

If you adore walking, your great Dane will be by your side stuck to you like a limpet. You won’t need to have them on a lead and you won’t have to worry about them running off. Great Danes imprint on their owners very quickly and will be keen to stay with you at all times. A leisurely Sunday stroll before stopping off at a dog friendly cafe will be their favorite way to spend a weekend.

Dog ownership is tough at times, especially if you are welcoming a puppy into your home. If you’re willing to give your new pooch love and attention, then a great dane will repay your kindness and love ten fold.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Things To Consider Before Bringing A Dog Into Your Home

If you are your family have been thinking about bringing a dog into your home, you need to have gone through everything on this list first. All of these considerations need to be taken into account before you can bring a four legged little friend into your home. If you don’t do this, you are going to end up with issues that you can’t fix, and then you are going to have to say goodbye to your dog. You aren’t going to want this to happen, and as such, you need to consider all of these things before you go and search for a puppy.

Is Your Home Ready?

The first thing that we are going to look at is whether or not your home is ready to accommodate a dog. There needs to be enough space for it to walk around, with somewhere for it to sleep if you aren’t going to allow it to sleep on the bed. As well as this, your dog is going to need to be able to play whether it is inside the house or outside so there needs to be enough room for them to get a bit silly.

You’ve got to have enough room for them to play with their favorite toys, or else they are not going to be happy in the home. Yes, you need to take your dog on a walk, but that doesn’t mean that they are just going to head to sleep for the entire rest of the day.

Do You Have Young Children?

A lot of dogs are fine with young children, but some seem to take a disliking to them. We are not saying that if you have a young child, then you shouldn’t get a dog because this is absolutely not the case, but it does mean that you should think about it before you commit. You should also think about the size of the dog if you do decide to get one. Larger dogs tend to be more protective, but it is going to be easier for them to knock your small one over by accident. This is not 100% going to happen, and there are plenty of families with large dogs and young children, it is just something to think about.

Buy Or Rescue?

Source Location - CC0 Licence
You are then going to need to think about whether you want to buy or rescue the dog that you are getting. If you are looking for puppies for sale, then you could take a look at's site.Go through these, find the one that looks like it could be the perfect addition to your new family, and then head to the location to meet it. A lot of the time, these are still going to be puppies, so make sure you remember this when they are jumping at you and full of enthusiasm.

Do You Have A Garden or Fenced Yard?

Above, we said that your dog is going to need somewhere inside to play, and while this is true, they are also going to need an outside area to play in. You cannot just count on that one hour walk that you go on every day to be enough exercise. They are going to need to run around, chase after balls and so on to make sure that they are staying fit. For this reason, you need to think about whether or not you have a garden, and if not, is the puppy going to get to run free often enough?

Who Is Going To Walk It?

As well as this, you need to know who is going to walk it every day. Having a puppy is a big responsibility, and you need to be able to take the best care of it possible. Part of this is making sure that there is always someone around to walk the dog, once in the morning and then once again before it is time to go to bed. This will tire them out so that they have a good night of sleep, and then they will be fully rested for a new day of mischief tomorrow.

If you don’t think that there is going to be anyone who is able to look after your dog, then we do not recommend getting one. The simple reason for this is that without their daily walk, your dog's muscles can start to seize up, and then they are going to cause them pain. Seeing your dog in pain is going to be the last thing that you want, so ensure that you are taking every possible measure to get them at least one walk per day.

Can You Afford It?

Location of Link - CC0 Licence 
The big question is, are you going to be able to afford a puppy? Now, the reason that we are asking this is that it is not as simple as to pay a one off payment to the owner, become the owner and that’s that, no more money on the dog. Your dog is going to need food, and depending on what brand you get, this can be expensive. You then need to think about getting pet insurance in case they hurt themselves at any point. You don’t want to be standing there with a 900 bill that you can’t pay because the dog is not insured.

Further than this, you have all of the nappy sacks that you are going to need to pick up their poo. You are also going to need to think about whether or not you are going to be able to pay all of the other bills that come with having a dog. This is going to include taking them to the vet to have their immunizations done, buying them food, buying them toys and treats, and so on. There is so much stuff that you are going to have to buy and pay our for, so you need to be sure that you can afford this before you commit.

Is There Someone To Look After It?

Finally, is there going to be someone around to look after the dog all the time? Obviously, is you are going to leave the dog alone for one hour every now, and then this won’t be a huge problem, but if you are planning on going out for like three or four hours per day and not taking the dog with you, then you are going to have a big problem. Your dog will then start acting out for attention by causing havoc across your home and destroying things. To combat this, you just need to make sure that there is someone at home to look after your friend when you go out.

This doesn’t need to be someone with tonnes of experience either. If your kids are old enough, then they are going to be able to do this while they are not at school, and someone else can take over when they are. Like we said, it doesn’t necessarily matter who you leave at home, as long as the dog knows that they have not been abandoned and they are not on their own. This is going to be especially important if you have a rescue.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now know what some of the things to consider are before you bring a dog into your home. Good luck, and we hope that your new friend is everything  you hoped and more.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Safe Play: Top Tips For Dog Owners

We all know that dogs love to play. While encouraging exercise is crucial for optimum health, there are risks to be wary of. If you’ve recently become a dog owner for the first time, or you’re eager to ensure your pet pooch plays safe, here are some top tips to take on board.

Image source:

Securing your outdoor space

Many of us enjoy watching our precious pets tanking around the garden, letting off steam with their tails wagging enthusiastically. Spending time in the open air, and letting your dog run around is great for their physical health, but it is important to ensure the environment is safe before your dog starts running free. Secure the space, look for products like specially designed fencing for a dog, and make sure any gates are closed before you let your pups run wild. Your garden may be a safe haven, but you never really know what kinds of hazards may be lurking over hedges or through holes in the fence at the bottom of the yard. Check your outdoor area on a regular basis, and if you have people visiting, always make sure you ask them to close gates and doors behind them.

Removing hazards

It’s always useful to carry out a risk assessment as a dog owner. Dogs are very smart, and their senses are brilliant at picking up danger, but they don’t always detect every hazard. Have a walk around your garden before you let your dogs out, and if you’re taking them to a forest or a park, keep your eyes peeled for objects that might cause harm.

Buying safe, suitable toys

Dogs love to play with toys, but they also tend to think that everything in their pathway is a play-thing. Your slippers, shoelaces, and children’s toys can all become part of your pooch’s play box if you’re not careful. To avoid losing your possessions and to keep your pet as healthy as possible, invest in suitable dog toys that meet safety standards. Look for products that are appropriate for your dog in terms of their size and weight and their activity levels. Buying toys is a fantastic way to encourage regular exercise, to keep your dog entertained, and to prevent boredom.


If you have a dog that will run and run, even when the sun is beating down, it’s vital to ensure they have access to fresh, cold water. Try and avoid exercising during intense heat, and wait for temperatures to drop if it’s a hot day. Choose shady patches to play with balls or attempt training drills, and take a bowl with you if you’re going out with your dog. Hydration is key for good health. Signs of dehydration include loss of appetite, fatigue, a dry nose, dry gums and vomiting.

As a dog owner, there’s nothing more satisfying than watching your precious pup enjoying playtime. Although it’s hugely beneficial for dogs to exercise frequently, it is essential to ensure they have access to a secure environment, safe toys, and plenty of water.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Get a Free Book from the Author of Family Disaster Dogs

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Monday, August 19, 2019

What is Evacuate, Shelter-in-Place, Bug-out ?

Do you ever wonder? 

What are we actually suppose to know or do when the media or police tell us to stay home and shelter-in-place, evacuate or bug-out?

All Rights Reserved Photo by Amber Higgins
Ready to Go!

What does evacuate mean?

"Bug-out" means what?

It has nothing to do with bugs !

What does Shelter-in-Place mean? Really what do you do?

Where is this shelter you're supposed to put where? :)

We are hearing more often of large cities residents told to "shelter-in-place" during power blackouts and I wonder how many people ask someone- "Do you know how to do this or what do they meant?"

Every city and town in America, and most of the world, no matter how large or small, has plans for handling emergencies and many offer classes for the public to learn more about evacuation and sheltering-in-place but that does not mean everyone attends the class or knows what to do.

So let's go over what these and other words or phrases mean during emergencies.


Sometimes you are given time or notice ahead of time...other times you have no choice but to evacuate now!! 

Especial in wildfires and tsunami...Now means to evacuate right then and there without time to grab much at all in the way of personal belongings or survival gear. Every year people lose everything due to unexpected disasters.

Evacuate means to run! Run or drive fast away from impending death or threat.

Get the hell out of the way!

Go to safety! ASAP

Here is a picture of Daisy with her evacuation saddlebag...she is ready to "Bug-out" !

"Wrinkledpups Daisy Mayham" founder of Family Disaster Dogs

"Bug-out" means to Evacuate

Bug-out is a military phrase used for the same meaning.

Learn what to pack in a carry bag to survival evacuation and how to be ready to evacuate with and without a dog on the Bug-out page. The long list on the Bug-out page is also what is needed to store at home for sheltering in place too, along with stocking up on extra food and water.

Having a bag packed for each family member and ready to grab when you are ordered to evacuate saves critical time. Keep in mind, if you wait and try to pack at that moment, the danger might reach you as you scrabble to find everything and put your family's life in danger.

You do not need a dog to be ready but if you have a dog then preparing with your dog makes sense.

Read my Evacuate with Your Dog's Help book (Free to Read here) to learn how a dog can help.

Preparing in advance will save time which is critical in emergency evacuation.


Means the opposite of Evacuation or Bugging-out

When you are told to shelter-in-place this means to stay put for your safety. Or get to the safest nearby location and stay put.

Do not go outside because danger awaits. 

Do not move but do sit-stay!

Hopefully, you are at home when told to shelter-in-place where you have everything you need for a few days or until the emergency is over. Food and water are critical for survival and in a major emergency the shelter-in-place order may last days or longer. It's best to stock up on food, bottled water and medicine, just in case.

If you are not at home, maybe you are at work or school, you will have to stay there until the emergency is over.

Again the evacuation bag comes in handy because if you grabbed the "bug-out bag" on the way out the door to work, school or you keep one in your vehicle for traveling (recommended to do so) you will have food, water, medicine and supplies no matter where you are when emergency strikes. You would be more comfortable and sustainable while you are more or less locked up shelter-in-place not allowed to go anywhere for food or supplies.

Be prepared to shelter-in-place at work, home or in public places.

In an active shooter event, yes, sadly this emergency event is becoming more common in the USA so I should mention;

In the event of an active shooter, everyone is told to Shelter-in-Place. In other words find a safe spot, a room if at all possible or hit the floor. Do not move and make yourself a target.

Hide (shelter) or Run (bug-out)

Another good idea is to look around when you first arrive at events or public places and mentally take note of a safe place to shelter-in-place or run to.

It's always best to be safe than sorry.

Go the Free Lesson Links Page 

photo credit FEMA

Visit  for more info on how to shelter in place 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

How Dogs Tell the Difference Between You and Another Person or Object

Tracking and Scent Discrimination

This article explains how your family dog can tell the difference between you and another person or object. This information applies to Family Disaster Dogs, Tracking Dogs and Trailing Dogs as well as any dog who is using its nose to find an object, person or pet.

Scent discrimination can be a complicated and complex subject.

When I was first learning Bloodhound handling and training with my dog Sue, our SAR dog mentor and instructor, Lt. Ezra Roberts explained the basics of scent discrimination to me in what I continue to believe is the easiest way possible.

the author and bloodhound Sue

I smile in remembrance of Ezra as I write this..I couldn't of asked for a better mentor.

He said, " When a Bloodhound smells a chocolate cake they smell every ingredient of the cake. The flour, sugar, eggs and coco while other dogs smell only the chocolate cake. "

This is the difference between a dog trained to scent discriminate. They smell one scent out of many many scents.

Dogs that are not trained to scent discriminate will search for only one scent, such as, live human scent but not each individual person within that human scent. They will find any human scent and all human scent in a certain search area by air scenting, tracking and  grid working. They will find every person or object's scent they are trained to find, such as bombs, drugs, humans live and remains. They are trained using only one scent article or smell.

Other dogs are trained to find many different scents or a scent they are given by the handler. These dogs are scent discriminating when they find a drug or object the handler asked them to find.

Service dogs who are trained to get the newspaper, slippers and dropped items of their owners are scent and sight discriminating. They know your slippers from another person's slippers.

Bloodhounds are different in that they process the ability to scent discriminate naturally. When a Bloodhound is given a scent article they start looking for that scent without much training at all. The handler gets most of the training and not the dog.

We don't train Bloodhounds they train us. Family dogs of all ages act naturally like the Bloodhounds when they stay close to their owners, follow the owner around the house or bond with a special family member.

Most dogs want to follow a person leaving their company, especially when the owner or a member of the family leave a dog behind a closed door or fence. If allowed to go the dog will do its best to find/follow the person they love.

These dogs are choosing to discriminate. All dogs can discriminate and they do naturally.

It is up to us humans to take advantage of this natural ability in the dog and teach our dogs what we wish them to find or who.

Here is my dog finding my daughter. This is the first time I asked the dog to find this person. I have only asked the dog to look for another person 3 times. She is not a trained tracking dog but I know she will find people she knows and wants to be near.

We had a chance to video tape this first time for everyone on the Family Disaster Dog site to watch and see how easy it is to teach your dog to find a family member or friend. Read the Scent Article page for more info about to use Scent Articles that tell your dog who to look for.

Watch this video

Click to Learn how-to Evacuate with your Dogs Help

Monday, July 15, 2019

Watch How-to Teach any Dog to Find Family Members after Floods, Earthquakes

Watch us start training a search dog in basic skills and learn how to teach your own dogs to find lost or missing family and friends.

This is one of the skills you can learn more about in my Family Disaster Dogs book. (free on Kindle unlimited)

This fun game of hide and seek is perfect for families to play with their own dogs. Knowing how-to ask your dog to find your child or partner sure would come in handy in the aftermath of a disaster or if a child or elderly person wandered away on a camping trip.

Teaching your dogs how to look for friends and family is one skill I hope you never have to use.

While knowing how to do this with your dogs may never be used, it sure does not hurt to know how!

Plus this gives you a fun activity to do with your dogs and family.

Here's a video of a family dog I'm teaching to find lost and missing persons with her owner. Bella is three years old and did not have an formal training before starting to learn how to find a missing person. She knows basic manners and obedience, enjoys the dog park and swims in the river fetching her toy. This video is one of the first times we asked her to find the boy she lived with. Watch her go!

Your dog can do the same, ask a family member to go hide while you hold the dog until the person is out of sight then let the dog go and see what happens !

You can use a leash or not. We are teaching this dog to be an official trailing-tracking dog and the leash in this case is part of the job. Family dogs can get the job done anyway they are comfortable looking for a family member.

Please leave a comment and let us know what you think. Thanks and stay safe everyone!

Look for Family Disaster Dogs on Facebook

Please share this post so others learn how to save their loved ones.

With climate change rising seas and heatwaves, floods, wildfires and storms everywhere it's time to prepare for the worst and pray for the best.

my Wrinkledpups Daisy Mayham 2000-2014

Friday, June 14, 2019

Hot Weather Pet Tip--Weekly tips from Family Disaster Dogs

 Here's the weekly tip from

Keep pets cool by using frozen water bottles 
placed in crates or sleeping areas where pets can lay 
next to the water bottle and stay cool!

Great for other animals like chickens, rabbits and birds!

all photos copyrighted

Have a great summer !

Here's a great idea for your dog's next car ride or outing in the hot weather!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Working Dogs in Summer Heatwaves-Tips to Know when Your Dog is Hot

The hot days of summer are here again and dogs generally know what to do when the weather is to warm. Unless we ask them to go with us or to do something for us dogs slow down in the warm weather, they find the coolest spot to relax and stay out of direct sunlight if possible.

There are plenty of articles online about what to look for when your pets are overheating, and I highly recommend reading a few to learn more about heat-related canine conditions because a heatstroke can kill your dog, cat or rabbit and actually any animal, including yourself. Here's a good article to start with from the AKC Canine Health Foundation

As a master groomer who has worked in many pet grooming shops and show or boarding kennels without air conditioning in some of the hottest locations in the USA, I have dealt with animals overheating and saved the life of quite a few. I also worked search dogs in 100 degree weather and have shown weight-pulling pit bulls in Texas summer heat over 100 degrees.

Here's a few tips I've learned through the years of raising and working with dogs indoors and outside. 

1. Watch your dog in the heat of the day, usually between the hours of 10am-4pm if they are not in a cool place.

2. Do not leave pets where they can overheat and not reach water. Like in cars, yards without shade, kennels on cement slabs without dirt or shade. Sunny house rooms without AC-pull the drapes to keep the heat out.

3. Always try to make sure they are in a nice cool place with plenty of water.

4. Beware of grooming shops because when there are many pets in one room, in cages and hair dryers blowing the room can overheat quickly. Dogs die often in grooming shops because of this. (No I never lost a pet while working) Ask your groomer if they have AC ? and what do they do to ensure pets stay cool when hair dryers are running? Do they cage dry pets? Cage drying is Very dangerous in hot weather if they use heat. It's best to get an early morning appointment if you can.

5. Ask boarding kennels and pet sitters about air conditioning and how they keep pets cool too. Just think of the number of animals housed in one spot and how quickly that spot can heat up. Be sure to inspect the place your pets will stay in hot weather. Many kennels run misting water spray over outdoor runs and this keeps the wire and cement cooler. Pets can get burnt feet too if dog walkers or kennels are not careful.


Panting with the tongue hanging out is normal for dogs to do in many areas of daily life, they pant when they are happy, stressed or excited and also as a means to sweat off heat in the body. They cannot sweat like we do because of the fur covering their bodies so they sweat where there is no fur, the pads of the feet, a little bit on the ears, the belly or underarms a little but nothing like we humans do. Dogs don't get smelly sweaty underarms, thank god!

Panting is a good indicator for when your animal is overheating, especially in pet birds, chickens, rabbits and cats who do not pant unless they are overheating or really stressed out. When you see these animals panting then the time has come to cool them down by spraying water around and over them or moving them to a cool place. If stress related, calm them.

Keep an eye on panting dogs who are working or in warm location and watch for the dog's tongue to roll over at the end when they are panting and the mouth drying up, not slobbering as much means the dog is starting to overheat. Time to act and cool them down, now!

Frozen water bottles are great to place in cages and crates when transporting animals in hot weather. A large frozen soda bottle of water lasts a couple hours in outdoor rabbit cages or dog crates. Tie in place so the animal can lay next to the bottle. Of course make sure they have water or they will try to get the ice.

Stay cool and safe this summer everyone!

copyright A. Higgins Daisy's pups pool 
Did you know they make dog scarf that acts like a cooling off aid??

Here's a good one to try!

Here's one like a collar too!

Last but not least, a really good idea for crates, car rides, elderly pets and puppies-a cooling blanket

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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Dog Training Weekly Tip

Dog Training Tip

Only after the first job or mission is mastered do you introduce another plan or job for your dog to learn and do the same as before by repeating the exercise until your dog has mastered the lesson over a couple of weeks. 

 Repeat your lesson plan several times over a couple of week’s time without any changes and your dog will learn what you want.  

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 How to Evacuate with Your Dog's Help click above to see my book! If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters, such as hur...

Author Amber Higgins

Author Amber Higgins
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