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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Easy Dog Training Tips that will Completely Change your Life

If you have a dog then you will know how difficult it can be at times to get them to listen to you. After all, you may find that no matter what you do, you just can’t get anywhere and this is the last thing that you need. If you want to avoid all of that then just take a look below to see if you can get some help with that.

Decide on House Rules
Before you bring your new dog home, decide on what they are and aren’t allowed to do. If they are allowed on the bed or the furniture then let them, but don’t try and change the rules a year or two down the line. If you do this then they will only become confused and you may even find that they don’t obey you as much as well. it also helps to try and plan if there are any areas of the house that they aren’t allowed in. This way you can save a ton of hassle for both you and the dog.

Give them Their Space
It’s so important that your puppy has somewhere they can call their own. From the earliest moment you can, try and give your dog their own private sleeping place. You will want to choose a place that is not used by anyone else in the family or even by another pet as well. This way they can have their own level of comfort and you can also reward them if they stay quiet for long periods of time as well.
Teach Them To Come When Called
You really do need to teach your dog how to come when they are called. This should be the very first thing that you are able to master. When your dog is coming to you, your status as the alpha will be reinforced and you will also teach them how to respond to their name as well. The benefits of doing this are endless and you may even find that it is easy for you to get them back on the lead if you go out of the house as well.


Avoiding Barking
Dogs bark and there isn’t much that you can do about it. It is their way of communicating and most of the time it won’t be a problem. If your dog is constantly barking at things that they shouldn’t be however then this can cause you major problems. You may find that you get complaints from the neighbor and you may also find that you just don’t get anywhere with training either. For that reason, it’s helpful to look into sites such as Dogable as this will really help you to teach them not to bark every single time they see another dog or every time someone walks past the window.

Of course, there are so many things that you can do to try and teach your dog everything they need to know and by following the above tips, you can be sure to get the whole thing done without any hassle.

Water your dog for the Best Scenting Abilities

How does watering your dog affects the scenting abilities? 

JR is Daisy's son and he sure knows how to cool off!
Great Search Dog too! Thank you JR for saving lives.

A dog's nose is wet by nature and dogs can dehydrate just like us humans on very ht days. Dogs do overheat and have heatstroke so when the weather is hot the best thing to do for a dog that is working a scent is to wait until the cooler part of the day.

As the dog gets warm while working in the hot part of the day the nose gets drier inside which will naturally make taking in and absorbing the scent particles more difficult for a dog. 

Pay close attention to the dogs nose when working in hot or extremely cold weather and when the nose looks dry water the dog. 

Many dogs will put the whole muzzle down under the water, Bloodhounds always do this trick to wet the inside of the nose too. They do this as they lap up water. Wetting inside and outside of the mouth and nose so that they do not dehydrate.

Read more about how a dogs nose works at Family Disaster Dogs Home

Willie knows how to cool off! 
Have a great summer everyone!

Remember do not leave pets or children in cars this summer!

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