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Thursday, December 14, 2017

The 5 Cutest Dog Breeds Around Right Now

I’ve heard some people say that dogs aren’t cute. Well, that’s just a load of rubbish, isn’t it? To prove how rubbish that statement is, here are five of the cutest dog breeds you’re likely to see right now.


Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire is known for a lot of things; great cricket players, exceptional tea, and one of the cutest terriers around. The Yorkshire terrier is an iconic small dog that’s almost too cute to handle. Small enough to pick up and cuddle, with one of the cutest coats you’ll ever see. Their fur is just kind of scraggly and soft - it’s hard to describe! Factor in their pointy ears and little eyes, and you have an adorable pet. Plus, they all look like they’ve got long moustaches, which is quite frankly hilarious.


Labrador Retriever

Fans of the old Andrex adverts will immediately know this dog breed. The legendary figurehead for the toilet paper brand has adorned our screens for many years and looked adorable while doing so. Labrador retrievers are so beautiful. Their coats are soft, and their ears flop down to make their heads look small and cute. There’s something about their default facial expression that makes them always look really upset too. This just makes us go ‘awww’ whenever we see one; such a cute dog like Follies Labrador.


Pomskies are one of the more recent breeds of dog that you’ll find these days. As it says over on the Pomsky Dog website, it’s a cross between a Pomeranian and husky. When these two breeds are merged together, you get a super cute puppy. It has the small fluffiness of a Pomeranian, with the iconic silver and white coat of a husky. They’re very affectionate and don’t grow to be too big, making them ideal if you want a cute little pet.


It would be criminal of me to write a list of the cutest dog breeds and not talk about Pomeranians on their own. While this dog is used to breed with other dogs to create new breeds like pomskies, it’s still one of the cutest dogs around. They’re small little fluff balls that seem to constantly have their tongues hanging out. They’re so friendly and full of energy. Watching a pommie run around your house is one of the cutest things ever. Their legs almost move faster than their body, it’s adorable.


Miniature Dachshund

Immediately, any dog breed with the word miniature in its name gets our attention. Normally, the smaller something is, the cuter it will be. The regular dachshund is still a very adorable puppy, with its sleek coat and sausage-like body, it looks so cute when it walks around. But, the smaller version is a whole new level of adorable. The stumpy legs are so funny but in a nice way. You can’t stop watching them move, and the long floppy ears just add to the cuteness. They’re very playful too, and always keen to have a cuddle.

If you’re having a bad day then maybe this article is just what you needed to cheer yourself up! Or, if you’re thinking about buying a dog for Christmas, these are some great options. I hope you enjoyed this piece, and check back for more doggy goodness in the future.

Monday, December 11, 2017

New Pooch Care - A Kind & Loving Guide

Introducing a new dog to your home is an exciting time. Unveiling the puppy to your children and spouse will often result in excited emotions, happy smiles and maybe even a few glad tears. A puppy might give you a serious feeling of cuteness for a time, but it’s important that you know how to take care of it before you feel this. After all, the old saying is ‘a dog is for life, not just for Christmas.’

Our guide should help you do this:

Buy The Right Equipment

You should purchase a select amount of products for your journey from the breeder and for when you bring them home. A nice and sizeable dog carrier, a blanket and food and water should be in your inventory already. Make sure your puppy has a nice bed to sleep in. Right now it’s unlikely you need a doggy cage, but you can buy one now if you deem necessary. Just be sure to find a size suitable for your animal. Purchasing a correctly fitting adjustable lead, as well as any medication your breeder or vet recommends.


In some countries such as the United Kingdom, it is now a legal must to microchip your dog. This allows for your dog to be registered. This can be used to identify your animal if it’s lost, and to register continual veterinary medical help it’s received. Your breeder will most likely have done this, but be sure to enquire just in case.


It’s important to set up your home in a suitable manner. Your little puppy will likely try and explore as much as possible, meaning that you need to gate access to certain rooms. Be sure to close the door to rooms you aren’t prepared for them to visit and potentially urinate in (it sometimes happens!) If you want to gate access to your staircase, consider purchasing small gates which prevent access.

Of course, if they’re too small to climb the stairs, this might not be a problem for now. Make sure there aren’t any sharp or blunt objects they could injure themselves on, and always figure out what the little puppy could climb on. They are energetic, and they will try to crawl over every square inch of space they can. Prepare for this.

Introduce Your Home

Visiting a new home is a big deal for a puppy. It’s important to show them the space at a gentle pace, as it will take them some time to adjust. Show them the sights, sounds and smells of each room, and make sure they are being carried or accompanied in a supportive manner. They will likely desire to sniff everything they can put their nose to, and it’s important you give them this time. If you have loud sounds such as a flight path overhead, it’s important you introduce this sound in the right way, so they can get used to it.

Introduce your home the best way you can, and the animal is sure to appreciate it. If things upset them for now, help them back to a room they are more comfortable with, and introduce them slowly. Little things can set them off that pose no danger, and it’s important to help them realize this. A computer in your office making whirring sounds, a coffee machine or a door closing might make a puppy seem worried and in need of shelter, but some things they must adapt to. Just be sure to keep an eye on them to make sure they’re okay.


Pooches will require different food depending on the breed, size and overall growth rate. Your breeder will likely recommend the best food possible, but if not then Google online depending on breed. You might be a complete vegan, but that doesn’t mean your dog won’t need some form of meat to enjoy their full nutritional advantages.

Also, be sure to research dog dietary supplements. This could be from high fibre foods for new puppies with bathroom issues, to full glucosamine for senior dogs. As they grow it’s important to chart the entire path of their nutritional need, so you can prepare and budget for it well in advance.

Introduction To The Gang

You might possess other pets. It’s important they are able to be introduced to the animal immediately. Carefully observe just in case the pets aren’t immediately friendly with one another. A small argument can lead to something bigger, so pull them away before this can develop. They might just have gotten off on the wrong foot for a silly reason hard to judge. Mostly though, your animals will get on fine, specifically if they see the family is accepting and loving them. Be sure to show your love to both animals in front of each other, as it shows they are now part of the unit.

Allow them both their own spaces initially. They will develop in connection. Ideally allow them to eat together, as this forms a sense of bonding and regularity in their schedule. We’re sure they’ll be friends in no time. You might also need to complete some form of socialized experience. Training a very young puppy often requires you introduce them to plenty of life experiences within and without your home.

It’s important they see stranger dogs and animals, as this prepares them for the world. A sheltered animal finds it difficult to leave the confines of your home, so be sure to take them on regular walks, any maybe even to a local trainer. This way they’ll meet all assortment of dogs in a controlled and looked after environment. This way they will understand the need to share space, perfect for becoming part of the family unit.

With these tips, you should have no trouble with your new puppy entering the household. Just make sure you treat it well. Most people consider their pets more as family members, and for good reason. We wish you the best of luck for your pets.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Train a Dog to Retrieve and Fetch Emergency Items by Name

Retrieve and Go Get

Teaching the family dog to retrieve or go get objects for you can be one of the most helpful commands your dog learns. For instance, during an emergency, your dog can be asked to go get the first aid kit to enable you to be able to stay with the injured person.

Another area of survival that this skill can come into play during is in the event that you are trapped; your dog can bring you water or supplies plus bring rescuers to you.

Not to mention if you teach your dog the name for your keys, they can learn to find your keys when you can’t or sunglasses or whatever you lose often.

Teaching your dog the name of each item will be covered in the next lesson and added to your dog’s training while you teach your dog to retrieve or fetch.

Each disaster dog task your dog learns can be added onto other skills taught here for a well rounded education and all purpose Family Disaster Dog.

After your dog learns to retrieve or to go-get their toy or ball then you can ask your dog to find to find an object by name and bring it to you.

As with all lessons, start out slowly and build upon your dog’s success when learning to fetch a toy or ball with encouragement and praise.

This lesson is a great way to exercise your dog indoors and out. Many dogs have a favorite toy you can use to begin this lesson while other dogs could care less about a toy. It’s up to you to make this fun.

Teaching retrieve, go-get and fetch to your family dog is accomplished by teaching one stage or step at a time.

1. First get your dog’s interest in the toy

2. Chase or find the toy

3. Pick up the toy

4. Recall or come back with the toy

5. Drop or release the toy to you

To do so, use a soft toy, such as one of the furry animal like toys or a tennis ball. If your dog has a favorite toy then use it. 

Sit on the floor with your dog and play with the toy by shaking it, rolling it between your hands, bouncing it and drag the toy along the floor. You may have to snuggle the toy in your dog’s face to pretend like the toy is playing with your dog like dogs do. 

You may have to repeat this lesson a few times before your older dog shows any interest or if your dog acts like a Bloodhound whose wrinkles get in the way of seeing the toy. Bloodhounds are not big on retrieving because they can’t see most of the time with the head down, wrinkled fall in the way. Then the nose kicks in. 

It takes a few weeks of play to get an older Bloodhound attempting to bring a toy back too, or to play. They often think the right thing to do is to bring us to the toy and not the other way around. Don’t give up if your family dog acts like a Bloodhound. 

If your dog shows no interest after many attempts then stop and try again later and a couple of times a day using different toys and don’t give up. It may take your older dog time to realize they do not have to behave all the time like they were taught as pups to do. 

As a last resort, after many failed attempts to play you can use a food treat placed in the toy as incentive, and after you read about training with food treats in the training tip section and the toy method lesson. 

Once your dog has mastered playing with the toy you both have also mastered step 3 of the stages in teaching them to retrieve an object for you. Now we go back to step 2. Chase or find the toy in order for them to be able to bring it back to you.

If your dog is a Family Disaster Dog learning to do search work then you can hide the toy instead of teaching your dog to chase the toy or you can throw the toy during play and tell your dog to “get-it” or “fetch” .

Most dogs will be so into the game they will chase the toy but at first, they often stop and look back at us wondering why we didn’t chase the toy too? Or why did we stop playing instead of going with them.

This is when you encourage them to “get-it” or “fetch” again. At first you may have to run with your dog to the toy, get them to pick it up by playing with the toy and when they have the toy in their mouth both of you run back to where you started or threw the toy from.

After a few times, gradually reduce the distance you chase the toy with your dog to give your dog a chance to get to the toy first and at that moment, you will call your dog back to you toy. They may drop the toy in their excitement to return and if they do, encourage them to go back and get the toy before you praise them for coming back.

Only praise if they have the toy, otherwise send them back for the toy or go back with them to show them again.

The distance can be increased as your dog learns to return to you. Use encouraging words and commands like “fetch”, “over there”,” come”, “wait” whenever you can to direct your dog.

As your dog learns these words they learn how to follow your directions. Give your dog time to think about and understand what you’re asking and to carry the action out.

Step 4 has been completed when your dog is returning to you with the toy.

Give praise; ask your dog to sit and release the toy to you, or to “drop it”.

Say a command each time and your dog will learn the word for drop it or release, which can be a very import word for your dog to learn if they ever get a hold of something they are not suppose to have.

Your dog is now playing fetch and retrieving for you.

If your dog is slow to learn this lesson, don’t get discouraged. Remember each dog is an individual and learns at their own pace, and as a young puppy they were taught not to pick up most items found in our lives.

Once your dog has learn the above steps then add a name to each object you want them to fetch. Practice using the name of the object with fetch on a regular bases and your dog will learn to get that item when you say the name with "fetch" or "get"

Have fun !

Check out more lessons that teach your dog to rescue you and find loved ones missing after disasters at  

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155 pages of fun game lessons you can do at home with any age or size dog to teach them to assist you in emergencies and to find lost family members.

You'll find my new book How to evacuate with Pets on the book page too !

Training a Messenger Dog- Teach any Dog

Training a Messenger Dog
Go Between 2 people

My books are in the UK too! Click here to go to my Amazon UK author page.


Click to Waldorf Publishing Page to order  "My Puppy Can Find Me" children picture book by Amber Higgins with art by UK Cartoonist Helen "Scotty" King 

Training a Messenger Dog- Teach any Dog Go 2 People for Help

Your family disaster dog can be a huge asset in the event that you are ever trapped or separated from your loved ones. For instance, after a tornado or earthquake when rubble is everywhere and you may be unable to reach a family member or them you because of debris in the way. Your dog can go under or over the wreckage to deliver supplies or messages between you and your family. 

Military and war dogs are trained as messenger dogs and many have honored as a hero after running through explosives, gunfire, and razor wire in order to deliver a message between soldiers. Your family dog can be your hero too by simply following the lessons here at Family Disaster Dogs.

You can send your dog to locate a loved one and carry a first aid kit, food or water. Be sure to include a pen and paper in your dog’s go-bag backpack so the other person can write you a message and you can send messages back and fourth.

Also, include a dog tag on your dog’s collar and a luggage tag on the backpack that says,  ” send dog- say  ”Return” or  the command you will teach your dog in this lesson. Be sure all of your friends and family members know the command to send your dog to you and other people. Write instructions on a note that is in a clear plastic cover and attached to your dogs backpack so people will be able to use your dog to find you if you are ever unconscious and trapped.

You will teach this lesson after your dog has learned to retrieve or fetch in the previous lessons and as you practice the fetch lessons you will incorporate this lesson into your sessions teaching your dog to carry objects on command by asking your dog to keep a hold of the object they retrieved as you walk with your dog tell your dog to “carry”.

This lesson will use 2 people and basically what you do is send your dog back and fourth between yourself and another person by using “Come” (click for lesson) and “Return” or “Go-To” then later after your dog is doing this exercise you will ask your dog to carry an object to the other person and they ask the dog to return to you with a the item or a new item.

Start out with the other person close by, within sight of you and about 30 paces or steps away from you.

Ask them to call your dog and immediately you will command your dog to “Go to name”. If the person is somebody your dog knows, be sure to use the person’s name so your dog will learn to go to them by name.

If the person is not somebody you will be finding in a real event then you do not have to use the name because your dog will learn to find any human being if you send them out to “Go” to a person. They will look for a person until they find one.

You can even teach your dog at this point to go to people dressed or smelling a certain way, such as a person dressed in an army uniform instead of civilian clothes. The dog will learn to only go to those in that uniform and not another uniform if no other uniform or smell is used during training.

Drug dogs can be taught to go to a person smelling like the drug, explosive dogs can learn to indicate a person who smells like they have been in the same room as the explosive materials used in bombs.  A dog can be taught to go to find food, water or shelter if these items are gradually added into this lesson one at a time by command.

After you send your dog to the other person and when your dog reaches the other person, the person will praise your dog then send the dog back to you using the “Return” or another command you want. At the same time you will call your dog to “Come” and praise when your dog comes back to you.

Repeat this 4 or 5 times, make it fun and keep it fun. If your dog becomes bored with this game and stops to look at you like “hey, why don’t you two people walk to each other instead of me running” then it is up to you to make this game more interesting.

Get your dog and yourself a Family Disaster Dog T-shirt !Show the world your dog is a Family Disaster Dog !

Change Locations often when Training a Dog

Change locations by having the other person move off to the side from where they were the first time so your dog has to look for them to make the game more challenging. Add toys and move about the yard to change the course, you can throw a ball between each other and release the dog using the commands to add variety to the game.

In no time your dog will be going between you and another person on command. Then you can add a third person as yourself; while you stand on the sideline and have your dog go between 2 other people as you use the commands to work your dog.

If you use the people’s names then your dog will learn to go between those people in a crowd. Eventually, you can teach your dog the name of everybody in the house, club or group and have your dog carry items back and fourth. Just like service dogs that retrieve items for disabled people your dog can get you items too if you teach your dog the name.

Don’t forget to put the Dog Go-Bag back pack on your dog and practice using it to carry items between people. Some dogs are better at carrying items a long distance in their mouths then others and the backpack can carry much more then one dog’s mouth.

Your dog will be very proud to carry items for you and you will be able to see the joy in how they work this lesson. Once they have reached the stage of working this lesson well, you can add this skill to the tracking and trailing lessons.

To do so follow these steps, after your dog finds a person by tracking or trailing, the dog returns to handler then you give the dog the first aid kit and send the dog back to the person. The person takes the first aid kit, praises your dog and commands your dog to go-to you and your dog comes back for you to follow them to the person.

Daisy Fetch

Now that your dog knows people by name and how to go-to, you can do the same lesson in reverse, where you hide and ask a person to tell your dog to find you in case you are ever missing. Your wife or family member can ask the dog to, “ Go-to you by name”, your dog will  find you.

If you are unconscious and unable to speak to your dog, because of this training the dog will try to “alert” you, if that does not work then your dog will return to who sent him to bring them to you. All of the training in all of these lessons fit together to teach your dog a whole mission of tasks that are possible to do in the event of an emergency.

Always have a person use your name when sending your dog back to you or a code name, such as handler, so that one word means YOU. Then your dog will find you only. This is very important lesson for your dog to learn in case you are ever missing.

These lessons teach the dog how to think like a person in order to communicate with us and help us. We are not only teaching the dog to do as we say but to think for us to find our family members or to save our life.

In the next lesson we will go over how to teach your dog to find you in more detail.

All the previous lessons can be found at this lesson page. and on the page tab on the left side of this page.

Read the Free Preview of each book below or get your copy of all the lessons in an easy download for under 4 bucks!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Lesson Links for Family Disaster Dogs

Family Disaster Dogs 
was formed
 to show you, the public...

How your family dog can come to 

your aid during a Disaster.

Every dog has the ability to find its family members or friends. 

Dogs do this on their own everyday without us noticing.

Listed below are links to dog training lessons 
that have been posted here since 2010. 

These lessons are here so you can practice with your family pet 
and learn how to save your family, neighbors and friends in a disaster.

These lessons are free for you to read, print and share with friends. 
(please do)

You and your dog will learn 

How To

Survive with your Dog's Help

Find a Missing Person in rubble, woods or city settings

Prepare for Emergency

Dog Backpacking for Disaster

Dog Tracking 

Messenger Dogs Skills

A family Disaster Dog 

is a 

Survival Dog

Other Dog Tricks for Assisting in Emergencies. 

Family Disaster Dog Chloe-Anastasia's Girl  
click the blue print to go to that page

Read why Training your dog is important on the Disaster page

Equipment needed page click here

Glossary and Terms of Words Used to Train Search Dogs Here

Learn about Scent Article on this Page

Contact Us Page

  Family Disaster Dogs  


What is a Family Disaster Dog ?..It's Your Dog Helping You! 

Click here to read more

Lesson 4:  "Find it!" 

Lesson 5: How to use a Tracking Leash part 1

Lesson 6: More Leash Work  part 2

Lesson 7: Tracking Leash part 3

Lesson 11:  Scent Behavior

Lesson 12:  How to Read a Dog

Lesson 13:  How to Train your dog to do a Building Search

Lesson 14:  Train your dog to do an  Air Scent and Area Search

Lesson 15: How your dog will be  Indicating and Alerting a Found person

Lesson 18:  How to use a leash

Lesson 24:  Learn Area Search Basics

Lesson 25: How to do Area Search Training

Lesson 26: How to do Cadaver Dog Training

Lesson 27: How a dog can Alert to Danger

Part 1: Teaching your dog to alert you to danger  Part 1 Alert to Danger

Part 2: Teach your dog Part 2 Alert to Danger 

Lesson 28:  Dog learns how to come back to you after they find somebody or thing Teaching Refind or Return to Handler

Lesson 29: Your dog brings you items you need Retrieve and Go-Get Object 

Lesson 30: Dog learns item by name to bring you Retrieve Object by Name

All of these lessons plus much more are in 

the Family Disaster Dogs book below.

To contact the author about private classes, book signings or events email Family Disasters Dogs  Click Here

Get all the lessons in one easy Ebook below-free preview

Show the world your dog is a Family Disaster Dog 
with T-shirts, Hats and Coffee Cups

Go to Family Disaster Dogs Home Page for more books, pet articles and disaster preparedness!

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Tips and How to Evacuate with Your Dogs Help

 How to Evacuate with Your Dog's Help click above to see my book! If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters, such as hur...

Author Amber Higgins

Author Amber Higgins
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Welcome UK and worldwide visitors and friends to Family Disaster Dogs online! Although I'm an American author and dog professional the worldwide web has given me the opportunity to connect with some wonderful folks who have contributed pictures for my books. The "Start Mantrailing" book features RRI K9 North Scotland trained Search and Rescue Dog "Amber" on the cover and her teammates training in the book, plus American dogs using my training methods. A portion of sales of the Start Mantrailing book or copies were donated to RRI North Scotland. The children's picture book "My Puppy Can Find Me" has my daughter and bloodhound as illustrations by UK cartoonist Scotty King. You can find the books on Amazon UK or use the contact page to order from me. When you click the links will take you to your own county pages of this site.

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