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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Why There's No Dog Greater Than A Great Dane

Image source Pixabay - CC0 Licence

Have you ever seen a great Dane? These mammoth dogs look pretty intimidating at first glance, but get to know them and you’ll soon find out that they are the most quirky, gentle and lovable hounds known to humankind. The great Dane is not the most popular breed because of their sheer size. However, get to know these soppy giants and you will discover one of the most underrated and loyal breeds. Take a look at why there’s no greater dog than a great Dane.

They Are Laid Back

Now, you might think that you’re a pretty laid back human being. However, the great Dane is the ultimate laid back pooch. Even though they are huge, they don’t have much inclination to be too active. They are happiest when they are relaxing next to their human. Overgrown lap dog was a term conjured up specifically for this breed. 

Scour Instagram with the hashtag #greatdanepositions and you will see the sorts of sleeping positions that these dogs find themselves in. You never have to worry about a great Dane becoming overly excited or getting a little frisky. It simply won’t happen. 

Great Danes are made for lolloping and resting and being super soppy. Head out for a walk and the most active and excitable dog can approach them and they will remain calm and non pushed, almost to a comical extent. This makes them wonderful dogs to have around young children, especially toddlers.

They Are Smart

Although they are very silly, they can be trained. If you welcome a great Dane into your family, you will have a mutt who will be eager to please. He’ll be keen to sit, stay, fetch, give paw and lie down. 

You might even be able to get your hound to play dead. They’ll do anything for a treat so make sure you have a pocketful of hot-dog sausage before you embark on a training session. Because they are so laid back, don’t expect the training sessions to last too long. They’ll want to snuggle up with you after ten minutes!

They’ll Go At Your Pace

While they are known for their keenness to relax, the great Dane will be more eager to be by your side at all times because they are so loyal. If you’re out in the garden they’ll always be using their doggy door to take themselves outside with you. 

If you adore walking, your great Dane will be by your side stuck to you like a limpet. You won’t need to have them on a lead and you won’t have to worry about them running off. Great Danes imprint on their owners very quickly and will be keen to stay with you at all times. A leisurely Sunday stroll before stopping off at a dog friendly cafe will be their favorite way to spend a weekend.

Dog ownership is tough at times, especially if you are welcoming a puppy into your home. If you’re willing to give your new pooch love and attention, then a great dane will repay your kindness and love ten fold.

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