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This is where you will find reviews and interviews of the Family Disaster Dogs books and lessons.

One of these days I will have all the interviews posted here!

Here's another author's site where he has interviewed many great authors including me, have a look at Rune S Nielsen's site to read my interview, as well as many other authors. Check out the cool graphics he made using AL. 

Here's a Radio Interview from a few years ago where I talk about what inspired me to write the books.


Thank you everyone for the wonderful reviews!!!

Here's a few reviews from in 2019

From : Alice 
Excellent blog, good to see someone is posting quality information.

From: A. Green said It was really insightful. Thanks for such a nice content. Cheers

From: Bentleigh vet 
Thanks for sharing this post. I am very interested in this topic. I would like to share my opinion on this. When socializing together with your pet, attempt to deal with them as one other same-species animal. For horses, you'll be able to inform a horse you are its good friend by gently blowing into its nostrils by the use of greeting. If the horse whuffles again, you already know you have simply been accepted into its herd.

From: Little River Vet Clinic 
Good post.:)

Interview by NF Reads website


I’m Amber Higgins, the author of three books that tell dog owners how to use the family dog to find missing loved ones and help during disasters. I’ve also self-published a short story called, “A Squirrel Planted an Acorn”.

I always was a writer and dog lover. My work was first published offline in the 1990’s in magazines and newspapers, including a weekly herbal health column that ran two years. I set writing aside for about fifteen years to volunteer with my bloodhounds and German shepherds I raised, trained and placed nationwide for search and rescue work. I’ve worked with pets since 1976 as a professional master groomer, dog trainer and pet business owner until recently semi-retiring to spend more time writing.

What is the story behind your book(s)? click to read the whole interview 

February 23 2018
Review by Mark Elliot on Facebook's Family Disaster Dogs page

Amber Higgins is an expert on the subject of disaster preparedness, in conjunction with pets (dogs, mainly), used in helping families achieve some measure of safety in the event of (God forbid) an emergency or disaster - large or small.

She's adept in the field of Search and Rescue (SAR), specifically K9 Search and Rescue. Having trained and used her own dogs, to search for - and find - missing persons.

 Her books are a compendium of knowledge, comprised of decades of experience and research, written in such a way that even the novice, every day pet owner will find immediate success.

My Puppy Can Find Me children's book

Review #1:
Review Rating:
5 Stars -

Reviewed By Amy Raines for Readers’ Favorite

My Puppy Can Find Me is written by Amber Higgins and illustrated by Helen “Scotty” King.

In this educational picture book, a child can learn how to utilize the family dog’s innate intelligence in a crisis situation. Dogs are naturally loyal to their humans, which makes it easy to teach children to use their pet's obedience training to help them during emergency situations. Each page of My Puppy Can Find Me reinforces the key points of a dog’s obedience in a fun way so that kids will easily remember that their furry friend can be a genuine hero. It is very difficult to think that the unthinkable could happen but children do sometimes get separated from their families. This picture book can help a child learn to keep calm, use their dog’s training, and wait for help to come.

I recommend My Puppy Can Find Me by Amber Higgins to anyone who has children and a family dog. Every page easily explains how important it is for a child to remain calm during a crisis because their dog can help them. I love how Higgins provided 'fill in the blanks' for a family dog’s name so that a child can clearly see that their dog can save them if they use the training exercises. The beautiful illustrations by Helen “Scotty” King are fun and interactive as they reinforce life-saving concepts of their pet’s ability to help them. What I loved the most about My Puppy Can Save Me is how Higgins made the story easy for early readers to comprehend.

Click to see reviews for Family Disaster Dogs book on Amazon 

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1 comment:

rizwan said...

Dog Training Really I enjoy your site with effective and useful information. It is included very nice post with a lot of our resources.thanks for share. i enjoy this post.

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Tips and How to Evacuate with Your Dogs Help

 How to Evacuate with Your Dog's Help click above to see my book! If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters, such as hur...

Author Amber Higgins

Author Amber Higgins
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Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links that I have reviewed and approved. Additionally links to products such as at Amazon are products I have personally used. Affiliate links means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. The proceeds earned are not much and used to keep this Family Disaster Dogs website free to the public. Thank you for your support.

Welcome UK and Worldwide Visitors

Welcome UK and worldwide visitors and friends to Family Disaster Dogs online! Although I'm an American author and dog professional the worldwide web has given me the opportunity to connect with some wonderful folks who have contributed pictures for my books. The "Start Mantrailing" book features RRI K9 North Scotland trained Search and Rescue Dog "Amber" on the cover and her teammates training in the book, plus American dogs using my training methods. A portion of sales of the Start Mantrailing book or copies were donated to RRI North Scotland. The children's picture book "My Puppy Can Find Me" has my daughter and bloodhound as illustrations by UK cartoonist Scotty King. You can find the books on Amazon UK or use the contact page to order from me. When you click the links will take you to your own county pages of this site.

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