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Tuesday, May 2, 2023

5 Things to Know Before You Buy An Energetic Dog 

Everyone who becomes a new pet owner wants to offer their furry friend the best life. If you have experience with animals, whether cats or dogs, you may know what to do. But, if you have bought or adopted your first family pet, it might feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. Sometimes, your dog might be more than you can handle, especially if it’s an energetic breed. If you want to learn how to handle them and ensure they get all the attention and exercise they need, here are five things to know. 

Make the Time For Exercise 

If there’s one thing high-energy dogs need more than anything else, it’s plenty of exercise. Whether you’re looking at boxers or a labradoodle for sale, you need to carve out at least one hour of exercise for the evening walk. For mornings and afternoons, just getting out of the house can give them enough opportunity to burn off some energy, and if that takes around an hour, then so be it. This exercise is crucial for keeping them engaged and prevents them from acting up around the house. 

Get Their Diet Right

Your dog’s diet is another crucial aspect you need to consider, especially if they are high-energy. Buying and serving food with the right balance of nutrients and protein can help them grow healthily and minimizes the risk of muscle injuries, especially considering how excitable they can get and bound around the park or fields. A balanced diet can also prevent lethargy, where your dog may seem listless for no reason, saving you a trip to the vet. 

Teach Them Tricks and Skills 

Tricks and skills are an excellent way to help calm your dog down when they get excited. You don’t need to teach them to do a flip. Even knowing to sit or lie down is enough to remind them to keep their energy in check. This is a vital aspect that can help your dog in social situations or when meeting new people. 

Be Patient With Them 

Teaching and learning patience can benefit you and your pooch, especially when they are a puppy and still learning about the world. There will be times when your dog acts up or seems too much, but knowing how to calm them down or simply letting them burn energy off can be a great solution.

Ask The Vet For Advice 

If you’re still struggling with your dog, especially if they never seem to calm down, you may need to ask your vet for advice. Your pooch may experience hyperactivity, and your vet can provide further advice or prescriptions to help level them out and prevent severe injuries or over-exertion.


High-energy dogs can be heaps of fun, but only if you know how to handle them. These tips should make it easier for you to match their energy and ensure they have all the tools they need to burn it off, meaning those nighttime cuddles on the sofa will always be possible, and you’ll both look forward to them. 

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