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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

How To Be The Right Kind Of Dog Owner

Photo Pexels - CC0 License

Dogs are wonderful companions, and any dog owner will attest to the happiness they bring. They’re called man’s best friend for a reason, after all. 

But these dependable companions, while able to keep you entertained and comforted for hours on end, also have their own needs, and entirely rely on you for their care.

This is why it’s not only worthwhile to ask if a particular dog is right for you, but if you’re right for the dog. In this post, we’ll discuss how to become the right kind of dog owner, and exactly what it is that defines such an approach:

Good Nutrition & Healthcare

Providing a healthy environment and balanced diet for your dog is a crucial part of being a responsible dog owner. Note that sometimes, this “healthy environment” means putting up fences around your garden so they can’t escape out of curiosity, and other dogs can’t run in. You don’t have to curate a utopia, but investing time and effort into their comfort and health helps.

This includes giving them plenty of fresh water to drink, ensuring they receive plenty of exercise and playtime, and making sure they eat well-balanced, healthy meals. It also means ensuring comforts, like a good dog bed, or making sure they sleep in a warm room of the house. It's also crucial that you take your dog in for checkups at the vet on a regular basis and get them the appropriate vaccines to ensure their health and the health of other dogs in the area. 

We love our dogs, but they’re not exactly the most hygienic of pets unless you help them stay clean.

Your Pooch & His/Her Social Development

Providing training and socialization for your dog is another crucial part of dog ownership.

This includes socialization with a variety of people, animals, and situations, as well as the teaching of basic commands and good manners, to ensure they do not develop a fear of or aggression toward humans or other animals. 

Effective trainers will help you with this. We’d even suggest a service like that isn’t optional, but an essential element of good ownership. A well-trained and socialized dog is a joy for everyone in the household and the neighborhood. They don’t have to perform every trick known for man, but a healthy respect for boundaries, a familiarity with other dogs, and seeing you as the authority helps.

Being Accountable For Your Dog

Becoming a responsible dog owner includes prioritizing the health and safety of your pet and people who might interact with it on any day. This includes giving your dog a safe and clean place to reside and keeping it on a leash at all times when in public. It also means being realistic about the needs of others, for instance, having a place to keep your dogs to prevent them from barking at or jumping at temporary guests can be a good idea.

This also involves being alert to and cautious against any risks that could lead to harm. Just because you’re a great owner, it doesn’t mean others will be. In some cases, optional alternatives can be worth your time too, for instance, if you’re going on vacation then putting them up with the best dog boarding service can help you avoid leaving them home for hours on end, as even if they’re being regularly checked in on and fed by a neighbor each day, this is cruel.

With this advice, you’re sure to be the right kind of dog owner.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Truth About Dogs and Heart Disease

Dogs are known as "man's best friend" for good reason. They are loyal, protective, and always happy to see their owners come home. But did you know that dogs can also suffer from heart disease? In this blog post, we will discuss the signs of heart disease in dogs, how to prevent it, and how to treat it if your dog does develop a problem.

Photo by Ivana La on Unsplash

What is Canine Heart Disease?

Canine heart disease occurs when there is a problem with the structure or function of the heart. This can be caused by an infection, an underlying medical condition, or even genetics. It can affect both puppies and older dogs, so it's important to know what signs to look for in your pet.

What are the Symptoms of Canine Heart Disease?

The most common symptom of canine heart disease is a decrease in energy level and exercise tolerance. Other symptoms include coughing, difficulty breathing, fatigue, fainting spells, collapse, and an enlarged abdomen due to fluid buildup. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, it's important to take them to the vet right away for a full examination.

How to Prevent Canine Heart Disease

The best way to prevent canine heart disease is to make sure your dog gets regular exercise and a balanced diet. Also, make sure they receive all of their necessary vaccinations, as some forms of heart disease are caused by viruses. Finally, it's important to have your dog examined regularly by the vet in order to identify any potential problems early on.

How is Canine Heart Disease Treated?

If your dog has been diagnosed with canine heart disease, there are several treatment options available. These include medications such as diuretics or ACE inhibitors which can reduce fluid buildup around the heart, surgically implanted pacemakers for cases of arrhythmia, and lifestyle modifications such as restricted exercise or a special diet. Oxygen for dogs with congestive heart failure is also recommended. Your vet will help you decide which treatment is best for your dog's condition. For example, some medications have side effects, so it's important to discuss these with your vet.

How to Give Them Extra Care

When your dog has been diagnosed with a heart condition, it's important to give them extra care and attention. This may include more frequent trips to the vet for checkups and monitoring, as well as an adjustment in their activity level. Additionally, be sure to keep them away from stressful situations, provide plenty of comfortable places for rest, and give them lots of love and affection. For example, you can try playing with their favorite toy or taking them on more leisurely walks.

It's important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of canine heart disease, so you can take swift action if necessary. With proper care and treatment, your dog can still live a happy, healthy life. So don't worry about having a best friend who is suffering from heart disease - just make sure to get them the help they need!

Thursday, December 1, 2022

What You Need to Know About Dog Insurance

Image Courtesy of Pexels

Getting dog insurance for your beloved best friend can help you out of a very sticky and expensive situation. But aside from the costs, you can rest easy knowing you will have less of a burden at one of the worst times if your dog is hurt. Here are some things you need to know.

You Get Cover for Doggy Damage

Depending on your policy, you might be able to get third-party cover. This means you can claim for the recovery of any costs you have paid out if your dog damages something. Often, but not always, this also covers any costs incurred from a dog bite your pet might have done to somebody. However, this is often very dependent on the situation. So it's best to not expect a payout for this automatically. The claim you make for this goes towards the costs you might incur. These include medical expenses, legal costs, and damages made by a claimant.

An Epulis is Often Classed as Dental

An epulis is a non-cancerous tumor that can pop up all of a sudden. Some breeds, like Boxers, are more susceptible to these. As such, many insurers won't cover them as standard, if at all. This is because some of them class an epulis as preventable dental treatment. Although your dog can get one through no fault of yours or their own. So if you notice an epulis on your dog, be prepared to make a payment, which can be expensive. And once the work is complete, just be aware that you might not be able to recover the money you pay to a vet for this treatment.

Dog Insurance Isn't Expensive

Given the cost of living at the moment, you might put off getting insurance. However, this is a mistake that can cost you big. And it isn't as expensive as you think. For example, the average cost of insuring a dog in the UK is around £30 per month and $37.00 in USD. Yet it's likely you will pay much less than this. Yet even at the most expensive range, the cost of insurance more than offsets the costs you will incur if your dog needs expensive surgery, injures someone, or becomes very ill. For example, dental surgery alone can run into the thousands at a typical vet practice.

The Breed and Age Can Affect the Price

While you probably won't pay too much for your coverage, the cost of dog insurance can vary quite a bit. This is mostly because the health needs of different dog breeds are very different. Some breeds are more susceptible to certain illnesses than others. And this can increase costs. However, these are usually very specific, and your dog's cover will probably be lower than you think if it is in good health. However, you should also be aware that the age of your dog can also affect the cost. And many insurers have a maximum age range that they will allow on a policy.

You Can Claim When Your Dog Dies

Not all, but some insurers will allow you to claim for the sudden death of your dog. However, this is very dependent on the circumstances. For example, you probably won't be able to claim if your dog has been unwell, is old, or is predisposed to a specific illness. In a nutshell, the death of your dog has to be largely unexpected. Such as being run over by a vehicle, attacked by another dog, or even purposefully killed by someone. And to make a claim for reimbursement, you will have to provide evidence of the cost of your dog at the time you purchased them.

You Can Recover Costs when Your Dog Goes Missing

Hopefully, your dog never gets hurt or goes missing. But there is some help available if they do wander off or are stolen. When your dog goes missing, you will probably launch a campaign to find them. This often includes making posters and such. Your insurance holder might offer some respite in recovery of costs incurred when trying to ding your dog. Also the cost of a reward might also be included. So always check with your insurer. Although, the cost of the reward will probably be limited to a maximum. So, don't offer more than you can afford or get cover for.

Exclusions to Your Dog Insurance Policy

Having insurance for your dog is the right thing to do when it all comes down to it. However, you need to be aware that it isn't a free pass for every eventuality. And there are many exclusions to most policies. Typically, these include, but are not limited to, the following scenarios:

  • The waiting period from when your cover starts.

  • Any pre-existing medical conditions.

  • Costs of your dog giving birth to puppies.

  • Payouts if your dog is stolen.

  • Medical issues that occur on both sides of the body.

  • Preventable illnesses that are your responsibility.

  • Specific conditions your breed is predisposed to.

  • Dogs that have gone past a certain age.

  • Non-urgent or unnecessary procedures like nail clipping.

  • Other animal services such as kennel boarding.

These are some of the most common things that are not covered by your dog insurance. However, there are instances, such as higher rate cover, where you might be covered for something on this list. So make sure you understand your policy as provided by your insurer.

You Can Get Travel Cover

Traveling with your dog can be a great adventure. And the dogs love to get out and about. And the good news is that most pet insurance plans will cover your pet if it gets sick, is hurt, or needs veterinary care while you are traveling. However, you can also claim for money lost after paying for a holiday. Many insurers will also pay for lost travel and lodging costs if you have to cancel a trip because your pet gets sick and could die right before you leave. So it's always worth checking with your insurer if they will cover these costs before booking a holiday.

Not All Insurers Include Dental

Expensive treatments like an epulis aren't usually covered on your insurance policy. However, most pet insurance plans cover some dental care for your pet. In most cases, a few policies will only pay for dental care that is needed because of an accident, not because of illness. And those who do usually only cover your pet if it gets a once-a-year dental checkup. But it might be worth inquiring about dental cover. This is because some insurance providers will offer dental packages with an additional fee or as part of a more extensive dog insurance policy.

Each Insurer has a Variable Cover Range

Your dog insurance can be expensive or relatively cheap. This is because almost all dog insurance companies offer different packages that might suit you. For example, you could choose a policy that covers basic vet treatments. In this case, you probably won't need to pay too much. Or you could opt for a package that covers your dog for thousands worth of complex treatments and surgeries. Therefore, cover is largely variable across most insurers. And often you can always find one that offers the right cover at a reasonable price at the time.

Dog Insurance Can Cover Homeopathic Treatment

Sometimes extra treatments are needed for your dog's recovery. And just like people, this can extend to non-traditional treatments. If your vet recommends them, alternative treatments like homeopathy, acupuncture, and physiotherapy can be covered by your pet insurance. However, these are usually considered as a last resort or as part of a comprehensive treatment plan proven to yield positive results. You should be aware that if you decide to find these treatments for your dog by your own choice, you will not be able to make a claim from your provider.

Annual Injections Usually Aren't Covered

Of course, as a dog owner, you know the importance of your dog's annual vaccination injections. These protect against deadly illnesses like parvovirus. Therefore, they are absolutely essential. However, almost all policies don't provide cover for these since they are considered your responsibility. Fortunately, they don't cost too much. Also individual vet practices might also offer these as a complementary treatment if you also pay for a medical plan. Some vets offer medical plans as part of their business model, like private healthcare for your dog.

You Can Save a Lot of Money

Finally, if there's one thing you need to know about dog insurance, it's that it can and will save you a lot of money in the long run. With vet bills skyrocketing, like everything else, having insurance cover for your dog just makes financial sense. Otherwise, you could be left out of pocket or even have to use up savings and emergency money to pay for treatment. Of course, it's another monthly expense. But the savings you make are considerable when the time comes. So, in a nutshell, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.


There are numerous aspects, clauses, and policies to dog insurance. While every insurer offers different things, there are some commonalities. On the face of it, most insurers cover third-party issues, have the same exclusions, and help you save a considerable amount of money.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

New Audible Book Coming Soon-Start Mantrailing Train a Dog to Find People

 Here's the News!

New Audible Book Release

December 2022  

A Great Gift in time for Christmas 2022 !

This book is training dogs around the world to find people and now everyone will be able to listen to the step by step lessons on a phone while in the field working the dog with the Audible book.

 If you have ever thought wanted to find a fun outdoor activity to do with your dogs or get involved in finding missing persons with a dog this book is for you! Already training and working scent dogs or Search dogs? This book will help you get started or possibly learn a few skills to hone your dog's skills.

This book is tailored to all breeds of dogs, all ages and sizes of pups can learn to find people. Amaze your friends and family with how fast and easy your dog can find them! You and your dog will be finding a hidden person the very first day when you follow the easy step by step instructions and pictures. 

You can learn about K9SAR and what it takes to be a Search and Rescue dog team that is called out to find lost and missing persons or you can just have a fun sport to do with your dogs.

The book Cover dog Amber with her handler are a members of RRI No. Scotland
The book features pictures of American and UK mantrailing teams 

Below is USA Mantrailing Team Bella working a hot trail after a person

Have a listen to the sample preview of the Family Disaster Dog book at audible for no cost to hear how the book will sound on your device at this link to the Family Disaster Dogs audio book

 Here's my author page where you can hear all my books  


Be sure to sign up for updates and news at the pop up window that will open 

if you reload this post. 

click to See and buy the paperback and e-books directly from me at the book shop page

Have a Great Dog Day!

Friday, October 21, 2022

The Fundamentals of Keeping Your Dog in Good Health

 Giving your dog the happy and healthy life they deserve is your number one job as a pet owner, there’s no doubt about that. But wanting to do that and actually making it happen are two different things. We’re going to talk today about how to get the basics of looking after your dog right and how to maintain their good health. So if that’s something you want to get better at, read on now.

Choose a Vet You Trust and Attend Regular Checkups

First of all, you should take the time to search for a vet whose services you can trust. When you’ve done that, you can make sure that you’re able to put their health in safe hands when it comes to checking for problems and finding the right treatments when they’re not feeling well. You’ll also need to take them to regular checkups so any issues can be spotted early.

Be There to Give Love and Attention

It’s important that you’re there to give your dog love and attention because that’s what they crave more than anything else from their owners. If you’re not there to spend enough time with them, they might become depressed or start to experience separation anxiety. That’s why people should only get dogs if they have enough time to be around them.

Find the Products That Help You

Finding the products that are going to help you keep your dog happy and healthy is something else you’ll need to think about. There’s no shortage of great pet supplies out there, covering everything from healthy dog food to treats, toys and everything else in between. You’ll also need to find a comfortable and supportive bed that they can relax in.

Image Source - CC0 License

Provide Them with the Levels of Daily Exercise They Need

Making sure that they get the amount of daily exercise they need is obviously something that’s very important as well. If they’re not getting that exercise, they can take out their energy in other ways. For example, some dogs might develop behavioral problems or become destructive in the home, and that’s probably not what you want to happen. So make sure that you give them the exercise they need according to their size, breed and age.

Balance Treats with a Healthy Weight

Finally, you should make sure that you’re keeping an eye on the weight of your dog. If they’re gaining too much weight it could be because you’re feeding them too much, giving them too much human food from the dinner table to giving them treats. Although you’ll want to offer them treats now and then, that has to be balanced with maintaining a healthy weight.

As you can see, there are plenty of things you need to get right and focus on if you’re going to give your dog the happy and healthy life they need. It’s really important that you get the basics and fundamentals right before you start thinking about anything else. So work on each of the categories we’ve talked about above.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Here's a couple Interesting K9SAR and Mantraining News and Research Articles

 Hi everyone, 

I hope this post finds everyone doing great! 

Lately I have been reading and researching online more than usual. I came across some interesting articles about search dogs, mantrailing, working K9SAR dogs, and sport K9SAR I thought viewers might like too. 

I always have an open mind when it comes to other people's research and dog training methods. The situation and environment plays such a large role in search and rescue with ever changing variables its not a subject that can be put in one box.  

I'm showing the links in full so people can see they are real.

Thanks for stopping by.

The Truth Behind The FBI's Magic Bloodhounds

Humans and bloodhounds — descended from 7th century French St. Hubert hounds — have a history of working together both for hunting and tracking.

Read the whole article at :

Copyright/citation is on Apple News

Obedience training effects on search dog performance

Competent search dogs should be accurate, reliable, and work independently, yet be responsive to handler commands. The aim of this study was to identify training factors that contribute to producing competent search dogs. Demographics, obedience training methods, the age training was initiated, previous canine training experience of the trainer, and time spent training were determined using 177 responses to an online survey accessible through the National Search Dog Alliance (NSDA). 

Continue reading  HERE at Applied Animal Behaviour  Science

Citation (copyright)

Alexander, Michael & Friend, Ted & Haug, Lore. (2011). Obedience training effects on search dog performance. Applied Animal Behaviour Science - APPL ANIM BEHAV SCI. 132. 152-159. 10.1016/j.applanim.2011.04.008. 

source-online search of free images

Thursday, August 11, 2022

My Dog is Prepared Are You ?

How are you Prepared? 

Post answers in the comments...we'd love to hear from you!

Be ready for pet medical emergencies with one of these handy first aid kits I use and recommend. Click the links below

Designed for Dogs and Cats
Kits Approved by Dr. Terri Melton, DVM
Emergency Life Saving Skills and Supplies
Includes Pet First Aid Guide
Includes links to Patch A Pet First Aid Video Demonstrations

Adventure Medical Kits' Trail Dog First Aid Kit is a great idea to have on hand during outdoor dog training, hiking and with mantrailing dogs. This kit fits nicely in your dog's go bag too!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

What Makes a Mantrailing Team -Train a Dog to Find People 2 of 6 Series

Get Started Mantrailing 

Post: 2 of  6

Train a Dog to Find People  

Note: If this is your first time visiting this site or reading about finding people with a dog using Mantrailing please read the first post and Introduction for this Mantrailing Training series. Each week is being linked together so everyone can follow along no matter when they find this blog. 

This is Post 2 of 6 in the Mantrailing Training Series

Follow the steps below to start your dog....

Before we get started on this journey of finding people with dogs, I would like to point out a very important aspect of dog training. Every dog trainer has their own way of working with dogs.

The way each of us handles and train dogs develops over time with our education and experience.  As dog trainers gain experience we learn what methods works for us. We learn what works with our body language, style and belief systems. Over time we form our own dog training or handling method and pass the method onto students. 

Working with a new dog or group often teaches us something new too.  We never stop learning.  I want to encourage everyone to never stop learning new ways to train as you develop your own method of handling based on what you learn here and along the trail.


With Mantrailing ( Man-Trailing) becoming popular with other breeds of dogs in Search and Rescue and also as a recreational and competitive dog sport I noticed a need for a simple to understand training book that is suitable for beginners and experienced handlers who want to start on the exciting journey of finding people with a dog using Mantrailing. 

Now that the book is finished and available I'm sharing the book's lessons with everyone here on my site as a way for me to say Thank You for visiting and following us here at Family Disaster Dogs.

Sign-up for new posts at the pop-up window or follow me on social media to get each week's lesson. 

Over the next several weeks you will have the opportunity to learn the basics of training with a dog to be a Mantrailing team here on Family Disaster Dogs. 

Read my post (click > What is Mantrailing? Where Man Trailing gets its name,

In the series of posts, you will learn what makes a Mantrailing dog team and what you need to train a dog to find people.

You will learn how to get started training the dog with step by step instructions for laying training trails and finding the hidden person. 

There will be suggestions for weekly practice indoors and outdoors. After using this method to actually work with the dog and get started finding people you will be ready to do mantrailing for the fun of it and amaze onlookers with how smart your dog is! 

For more of a challenge and to advance training for those of you who want to train for K9SAR and practice more difficult trails for sport. I suggest you read my book or contact me for lessons.

Over the next few weeks, I touch upon a small amount of scent behavior and environmental variables that come into play during searches to help you understand scent dog science without the confusion many people encounter first starting out.

The final post will give everyone a better idea of what is involved in actual search dog work.  

In the book, there are examples of training trails, maps and a dog training log sheet to copy off for record keeping.

If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me at via the contact page on

I hope this 6 post series starts you on a great journey into the exciting world of Mantrailing with your dog.

Visit my FDD K9 Store online to get a signed author copy of the books directly from me. 

All my books are available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited and Paperback, here's the author page.

For those interested in learning about K9SAR Sport seminars and trials in the USA visit the American Rettungshunde Sport Association  an AWDF Member Club. If you would like to learn more in the northern Arkansas area and train together contact me from the contact page above. 

(Email me your phone number, if I post mine here I get flooded with spam calls)

Want me to get your dog started Mantrailing then show you how to handle the dog for work or sport, maybe just for a great way to work off  your dog's energy and have fun?  Broad and train now available on 5 acres. Email me

Now Let's Get Started

What Makes a Mantrailing Team


What you need to Train a dog to Mantrail

The Dog

Most dogs can learn how to trail and find a person using the exercises in this book because trailing is like hunting to a dog. Following the scent trail of other animals, in this case humans, is a natural ability a dog has in order to hunt and survive in the wild. The breed of dog is not as important as the determination, endurance and stamina of the dog and handler to go the extra mile to find their person.

Age of Dog

Dogs as young as 9 weeks old can start to learn how to follow a person’s trail as long as the puppy is not ran to hard and long they will have a great time with you enjoying this fun game of hide and seek. As the puppy grows in size so can the distance and difficulty of the trail.

Any age is a good time to start mantrailing with your dog because this is wonderful physical and mental exercise for both of you. Even older dogs will enjoy getting outside and using their nose to find a person. Elderly dogs may not be able to work in mantrailing but they can still have fun and stay in shape.

When training a dog to work in search and rescue there are a few things to consider in regards to the age of the dog. The best age for a dog to start more difficult training is about 6 months old and not over three years old because the dog and handler team generally have to train one to two years before the team is certified operational and qualified for active service with law enforcement or emergency response agencies.

Many search dog trainers and handlers agree starting a dog over three years old on a two year training program means the dog will be five years old at qualifying time. In this case, the dog will not have many years of working life before retirement.

SAR groups think about the longest working life of a dog and the time the training takes. For instance, a dog started training by six months old should pass advanced level testing and qualify when they are less than three years old which adds up to a dog 3 ½ years old with an average lifespan of 12-14 years old. The dog only really has about 6 to 8 years of excellent health and working endurance if we are lucky.

With dedicated training the dog team can put in more hours of training time as they advance to be ready for testing sooner.

Plus as the dog age injury may more easily occur and the dog’s endurance will be challenged.

I have trained older dogs that passed testing and were active for quite a few years so this is a decision I feel is best left up to the owner/handler/trainer that knows the dog personally.


The dog handler should dress in comfortable pants, durable shoes and layered clothing suited for the weather. You as the handler will be following the dog at a steady pace and must be able to walk the distance. Although you are able to take a break to rest a few minutes on the trail (resting is especially encouraged on hot days) you will not be sitting down.

A mile is much longer than it sounds after you have walked a mile in a dog’s paw prints.

Equipment and gear

ü  Dog Collar (flat leather or nylon)

ü  Regular leash (6 ft. / 1.8m)

ü  Comfortable clothes

Equipment bag to store and carry

ü  Dog Harness

ü  Tracking leash (20 ft. / 6 m)

ü  Water bottle and bowl

ü  Paper notepad and pencil

ü  Biodegradable trail markers; bits of paper, cloth or ribbon

I do not use food or the dog will look for food but I do carry dog treats or toy for after training reward.

72 hour Pack, aka Bug-out bag, Go-bag, Rucksack, and Carry All bag to hold survival gear. K9SAR teams are recommended and in some countries required to carry a 72 hour pack. Check with your local officials to know what gear is required in your area. For a detailed list of what to pack you can look at my book, Evacuate with Your Dog’s Help or my Family Disaster Dogs website.

Scent Article Equipment

ü  Handler Waist Bag with pockets to wear and carry scent article, leash, baggies for evidence, etc.

ü  New unused paper lunch bags

ü  Ziploc Bags or Jar to store small scent articles

ü  Large new paper bag to fit larger personal item scent articles

Continued in the Next Post 

click to Get the Book Start Mantrailing to learn everything you want to know about finding people with dogs.

My Daisy was a Mantrailing dog with me and her pups went to several Search and Rescue Teams

Friday, August 5, 2022

Tips to Giving Your Shih Tzu Dog a Happy Grooming Experience


Tips to Giving Your Shih Tzu Dog a Happy Grooming Experience

Shih tzus are not only known for their affection and elegance but also for their long and soft coat. To maintain its softness and shine, pet owners take their dogs for grooming. While you can buy a dog comb from the pet store and brush your shih tzu’s coat, a trip to the dog grooming salon is important to ensure the ears are cleaned and the coat is trimmed properly. However, being handled by a stranger and the sound of the razor can be stressful to your dog. Here are some tips to make your dog’s grooming experience a happy one:


  1. Choose the groomer carefully.

Do not take your shih tzu to just any grooming salon just because it is near your place or its services are cheaper. It’s important to evaluate the groomer first before leaving your dog in his or her care. Go for one who is a dog lover as well. You can easily spot this by the way he or she treats and handles your pet, say, while trimming the nails or cleaning the ears. As a pet owner, you can sense if the other person loves animals and you can use your instincts to do this. The salon should also be clean and have a pleasant smell. You can also ask for recommendations from people you know which also have dogs.

  1. Let your shih tzu get used to going to the grooming salon.

You might want to first take your dog to the groomer you have chosen without really having your shih tzu groomed yet. Just bring your dog to the pet salon and let him or her get be familiar with the environment. You can also give your pet treats so your shih tzu will associate the place with receiving treats and being happy.

  1. Choose a grooming salon with glass dividers. 

Your shih tzu can be stressed due to separation anxiety. You can prevent this by making your pet feel secure while being bathed. Choose a salon designed in such as way that you can see what’s happening inside, preferably one with glass walls so your shih tzu will know you are just there watching. Moreover, you will also know if the groomer really knows what he or she is doing and that your dog is not mishandled.

  1. Groom your pet at home.

Even for our pets, there is no place like home. If there is a grooming salon that provides home service, this is the best grooming decision for your shih tzu. Dogs are aware of their surroundings and the home is the safest place they feel more comfortable and safe.

By taking these things in consideration, you can make your shih tzu’s grooming experience a pleasant one.

Featured Lesson

Tips and How to Evacuate with Your Dogs Help

 How to Evacuate with Your Dog's Help click above to see my book! If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters, such as hur...

Author Amber Higgins

Author Amber Higgins
Click Pic to Visit my author page

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Welcome UK and worldwide visitors and friends to Family Disaster Dogs online! Although I'm an American author and dog professional the worldwide web has given me the opportunity to connect with some wonderful folks who have contributed pictures for my books. The "Start Mantrailing" book features RRI K9 North Scotland trained Search and Rescue Dog "Amber" on the cover and her teammates training in the book, plus American dogs using my training methods. A portion of sales of the Start Mantrailing book or copies were donated to RRI North Scotland. The children's picture book "My Puppy Can Find Me" has my daughter and bloodhound as illustrations by UK cartoonist Scotty King. You can find the books on Amazon UK or use the contact page to order from me. When you click the links will take you to your own county pages of this site.

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