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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Poor Paws! Health care Tips for Your Pup’s Feet

Your dog's feet and paws are pretty important, but they can be sensitive and delicate too. That is why you have to make an effort to take care of them properly for your pooch. So read on to find out all about their paws and how to look after them and keep them in tip-top condition.


Foreign bodies

Your dog's paws are pretty sensitive compared to the rest of their body. That means a responsible owner you need to be on the lookout for things that could harm them that your pup may not be aware of themselves.

This includes things like shards of glass, metal filing, and even some types of grass seed that can get logged in their pads. Something that can be painful and cause infection if not removed and treated by a veterinary clinic professional. Remember your pooch is basically walking around barefoot, so if you would think twice about taking your shoes and socks off in a place, it's best to take extra care when walking them there.


Hot pavement

Another big problem with dogs and their paws is that they can get burnt by walking on hot sidewalks. Some pavements can get up to 140 degrees plus in the summer on a sunny day, and it's all too easy for us to forget that our pups have to walk on these with no protection.

One way of dealing with this is to avoid walking them around noon and only take them out in the early morning and late evening when it's cooler. Alternatively, you can get protective shoes for your dog, that stop their pads having direct contact with the ground when it's warm. Find out more about these here.


Now, if you have ever noticed a popcorn type smell coming from your dog's paws, you might be alarmed to find out that this is, in fact the odor of their sweat! Dog's sweat exclusively from their paws and this encourage the growth of bacteria. Something that in turn gives off that distinctive smell.


Add to this the fact they can pick up all sort of pollutants when walking such as rotting food and chemicals and it makes it a great idea to always wash your dog's feet once you return. Use wipe to do this, or if possible get them in the shower to ensure that their paws are spick and span.

Ingrowing toenails

Last, of all, a real paw issue can be that of an ingrowing toenail. This is where a nail or claw grows into the pad causing pain and infection. The cause of this condition can include bad nail clipping, as well as some genetic issues that affect the posting of the nail.

To avoid ingrowing toenails ensure that you trim your pup’s nails regularly following this guide.

If you think that your dog has got an ingrown toenail problem, don't deal with it yourself, though, as you can end up making them way worse. Take pooch to the vet for proper treatment instead.

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