You may wonder...
Why is preparing for emergencies important ? Why is reading this site and other prepping sites important ?
Because...if/when SHTF (shit hits the fan) like a pandemic virus out of control or when the weather hits hard.
We want you to know how to help yourself and pets because resources are overwhelmed ! read on...
This dog proves what dogs can do....
Every dog has the ability to find its family members or friends.
Here on Family Disaster Dogs you can learn
Family Disaster Dog Chloe |
Shelter in Place in rubble, woods or city settings !
At Family Disaster you can find a complete list of what you will need to survive any disaster or emergency.
Read the Family Disaster Dogs books
Here's one of our books
Here are some other books to read that can help you prepare.
Ultimate Survival Guide: 15-Books-Mega Bundle That Will Get You Safe From Any Dangerous Situation: (Prepper's Guide, Survival Guide, Emergency)