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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Tips for Choosing a Rescue Dog

Throughout the country, there are rescue centers with dogs ready and waiting to be adopted by a family and to become part of their lives. There are many good reasons to get a rescue dog as your next pet, and of course, providing an animal from the shelter with a loving home is a rewarding experience.

Deciding to get a pet is never a decision to take lightly, and there are many important considerations to take into account. All pets are a big responsibility, and this is a fact that should not be forgotten.

Before you look for a rescue dog you should:

Think about how much time you have free to offer a dog, will it be left for long periods while you work?

Will you be able to cover vets bills, food, insurance etc.?

Do you already have a dog, and will it be upset by a new arrival in the family home?

Consider what breeds of dog are best suited to you, do you like to go on long walks which you could take your dog on too?

Would you prefer a puppy or an adult dog?

Would you like a pedigree rescue dog so that you can be better informed about the dog’s characteristics and traits?

Would you prefer to have a long-haired dog or a dog with a short coat?

How much time would you have each day for grooming a long-haired dog?

Image: Pixabay

Questions to Ask the Dog Rescue Center:

How and why did the dog end up at the animal rescue center?

What does the center know about the dog’s past, was it mistreated in some way or abandoned, or has the dog’s owner passed away, or become unable to care for it?

Has the dog already been spayed or neutered? (some rescue centers automatically do this, so it is worth checking with the staff when you visit).

Do they know what breed the dog’s parents were? (This could provide you with more of an insight into the dog’s character traits, as well as indicating how big the dog will grow to if it is a puppy).

Does the dog have any ongoing or current health issues?

Choosing to bring a rescue dog into your life is an incredible thing to do, but there is much to consider before you head to the shelter to see all the dogs.

Bear in mind that a rescue dog is likely to be affected by its past treatment, this may mean that it will struggle around other dogs, either by being aggressive or timid. If the latter is the case be sure to understand how to break up a dog fight, and in the unfortunate event that your dog suffers an injury ensure that you register with a vet. If a human is hurt then after seeking medical advice a dog bite attorney may be able to help.

Remember that past mistreatment may mean that it takes a while for your new dog to realise that you can be trusted, so patience is crucial.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Make a Shelter From 3 Items and Survive the Storm

To make a shelter from 3 items

Make a fast emergency lean-to shelter

Items needed

You’ll need at least one item from each list below

1. Tarpaulin or Plastic Sheeting or Large Leaf Garbage bags (all of these items are on the list above and should be rolled tightly and packed in the Bug-out bag)

2. Twine or light rope, shoelaces work in a jam

3. A tree branch you can reach that is long enough for the shelter roof. Or a rock wall overhang or 2 to 4 long poles about 6 to 8 foot long cut from tree saplings

Find a tree branch or rock overhang that is tall enough to reach and has a flat open area on the ground below.

To Make the Shelter

Open the tarp or plastic, lay flat on the ground.

Using the twine, tie 2 of the corners of the opened flat tarpaulin or plastic sheet to the tree branch or use a heavy rock to tie to and set on the rock overhang then use rope or twine to secure the rock in place.

Long poles cut of tree saplings also placed against the rock wall will work. The poles can be put in the ground to make a lean too if the ground is soft enough.

Stretch the tarp out and to the ground for a sloped roof lean-to shelter. Use stick stakes or heavy rocks to hold in place.

Make as secure as possible with extra twine, rocks or stakes.

Lay another tarp, plastic sheet or garbage bags on the ground for a protective waterproof barrier.

Make the underside into your camp.


Face the doorway or open side away from prevailing winds and storms; usually they come from the west. South facing to the east is a good choice for most parts of the USA.

Learn more in my book 

Visit for more cool ideas !

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Monday, April 8, 2019

My Puppy Can Find Me-children's book

This children's picture book is the most important lesson every child with a dog should learn to avoid every parent’s worst nightmare.

“What to do if your child is missing."

As of Jan 2021 this book is only available from the author via the contact page above.

By reading "My Puppy Can Find Me" picture book with your children the whole family will learn what to do if they are ever separated or missing, and how the family dog can be of assistance during emergencies.

Children will learn valuable lessons by doing these fun exercises that reinforce and teach the pet dog and family to work together during crisis situations to overcome fear and survive.

The whole family learns how to use the family dog to the full advantage regardless of the age, size or breed of the dog.

As a family member and part of the pack your dog always knows where each member of the pack is at, this is natural for the dog to know and we as dog owners only need to learn how to take advantage of this natural instinct our dogs possess.

This children's picture book shows the whole family, young and old, how to use the average family pet as your own hero dog and search dog.

"My Puppy Can Find Me" ebook and picture book is based on the original "Family Disaster Dogs" book (available on Amazon) by former Search Dog trainer and Bloodhound breeder Amber Higgins in the USA.

With artwork and illustrations from U.K. Dog Cartoonist Helen "Scotty" King.

The valuable lessons you and your children can learn are:

1. Young children learn how to tell the family dog to "go find parents"

2. Children learn to wait in one place and play a game until adults find them (we cannot find a missing child if they keep moving away from the searchers, its best to teach children to sit and wait)

3. Parents and older children learn how to tell the dog to go for help and find missing loved ones.

4. Parents learn to ask the dog to find anybody

5. Any age or size dog learns to go to family members or friends upon command like police and military dogs do.

This skill can be used for carrying objects to a person or as a messenger dog.

6. Any dog learns to show you how they can track a missing human pack member and find loved ones with these easy fun game like lessons.

This book is for children 3 and up!

This child version of the Family Disaster Dog book has easy to read familiar words and fun illustrations for your child to learn as they read.

A note from the author
I want to help dog owners and friends of dog families avoid every parent’s worst nightmare. What to do if your child is missing.

Our dogs know where we are every moment and when we leave the house they long to follow us. Our dogs do find us when we open the door. Our dogs can find whoever has left the house, yard or pack, if we dog owners know how to ask. Let us show you how to ask any dog to help you.

The more we share this valuable information, the more children and missing persons we all will help. Thank you in advance for reviewing, liking and sharing so others can learn too ! Amber

Visit the sit to teach your dogs to rescue your family, Family Disaster Dogs

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Got An Anxious Pup? Here Are Some Tips For You

There is nothing as upsetting as seeing either your children or your dog is stressed out. When you don’t know how to help the situation can get worse pretty quickly. Firstly it is essential to recognize when your dog is anxious, opposed to having something wrong that needs the vet's attention.

Photo by Burst from Pexels

Classic signs of anxiety in a dog are:

  • Tucking their tail in
  • Pacing and panting heavily
  • Not looking directly into your eyes
  • Trembling and shaking
  • They may go off their food too
  • They may begin to eliminate in the home
  • Occasionally this may be displayed aggression
  • Sometimes they also become destructive

How To Help A Dog With Anxiety

Much like humans, dogs respond great when they feel they are being taken care of. Here are a few things that you can do to help your best buddy relax in times of stress.

Toys - You can pick up some hard wearing dog chew toys to give them something - rather than your shoes or skirting board. Dogs have a lot of energy and one of the ways that you can help them channel that fundamental need for safety, stimulation and energy placement is with toys. They can go back to that toy whenever they need to, think of it like a ‘blankie’.

Supplements - There are many people who just don’t want to dose their dog with medicines from the vet. If that sounds like you, then you might like to look into evening primrose oils and CBD oils. Both of which have a good reputation for helping dogs, you can check out more recommended reading and see what might work for you both.

Be calm - Dogs are very in tune with their owners. They respond to both positive and negative emotions, likewise for stress and calm. If you take a few deep breaths and be as calm as possible, they will begin to feed on your demeanor. It sounds very simple, but think about how often we as humans display stress by seeing our pets stressed. Talk to them in a steady tone, calm and a lot of reassurance.

Hug it out - Just like when you are upset, a big hug from someone you love releases all sorts of stress-reducing hormones, the same goes for your furry friend. Grab a big blanket, and get cozy with your dog. Combine it with a soothing voice. Once you see any of the signs for anxiety try and use the same blanket over and over. This will train them to associate the blanket with a calm time. They might even begin to take the blanket to you when they (or you) need it.

Walk - Dogs usually have a lot of energy to expel, so get your trainers n and go for a walk. Not only is it good for you, but it’s great for them too. Walking, or running will let them burn off tension in the form of movement. Even playing with a ball in the garden is likely to have great results. 

Learn to read your dog's body language, but if you are unsure, or think they may be in pain head to your vets for a chat and some peace of mind.

Author Amber Higgins Book Interview with NF Reads

Interview with NF Reads 

Hi everyone,

I was asked to do an interview about my books from a really cool site that has interesting inspiring stories, interviews from book authors and other great reading!

I talk about what inspired me to build this blog site and write the Family Disaster Dogs books.

Check it out at this link

The interview is published at Interview with Amber Higgins

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

5 Secrets to Saving Big When Ordering Pet Supplies Online

5 Secrets to Saving Big When Ordering Pet Supplies Online

Photo A. Higgins

If you are like most pet parents, you enjoy scoring a great discount every now and then. Pet expenses are always on the rise and your goal as a pet parent should be to buy quality products and supplies without paying more than you should.

While wholesale places like Costco offer great discounts on pet products, they often fail to match the prices offered online. However, finding the best prices on pet supply stores takes a bit of effort. There are a few tricks you can employ to get the best discounts consistently. Few of these tips are going to be pretty obvious, but you would be surprised how many pet parents actually forget to utilize them. Before we reveal our tips, remember our one and only rule.

#1 Rule: Never Trust a Shady Online Pet Store

Without further ado, the following are 5 secret tips to save big when ordering pet supplies online.

When Possible Buy Generic Pet Medications

Did the vet prescribe an expensive pet medication? Stop the urge to shop at the vet’s office, where you are least likely to get a proper discount. Instead, ask the vet to write down the generic name of the medication. Generic meds are usually significantly cheaper than their branded counterparts and they are identical in efficacy and quality. However, when you order pet meds online, it’s important to buy it from a reputed store (remember our #1 rule). A lot of unethical stores sell counterfeit pet medications and generic drugs are even easier to fake than branded ones.

Become a Member

If you shop at one particular store, then it makes complete sense to become a member. Online pet stores reward members by giving them assured discounts on both pet supplies and medications. The cost of the membership fee is usually recovered in the first few months if you buy all your pet products from one store.

Buy Pet Food in Bulk

Pet food is one of the few supplies you know you are going to need. As long as you have the space to store them safely, it makes sense to buy dog and cat food in bulk. Here’s an example to help you understand how much are likely to save. We compared the same pet food product of different pack sizes after all the discounts. The 15lb pack costed us $2.15 per pound. When we bought the bigger 28lb bag we paid $1.89 per pound. Simply put, you can buy the same exact pet food for a cheaper price per pound if you buy in bulk. This is barring the fact that most online pet stores give you additional discount coupons for buying more at a time.

Keep Multiple Tabs Open to Quickly Compare Prices

Okay, this one’s super obvious, but something that most shoppers simply forget to do. Before you do this, however, remember our #1 rule. Don’t trust a shady online pet store offering massive discounts. Keep multiple tabs open of sites you know and trust and compare the prices after adding items to the cart and applying coupons. This is the final price and that’s what matters at the end of the day.

Hunt For Coupons

Hunting for coupons at independent coupon sites is a great way to score additional discounts. You can even check the coupons section on the online pet store website.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Healthy Pets, Happy Owners

Your best friend is loyal, loving and always has your back, so it makes sense that you want to take the very best care of him that you can. Naturally, you give him all the best quality food he needs and exercise him regularly, not to mention all the cuddles he gets but when it comes to his medical needs, what can you do to keep him in tip-top condition?

Like finding a doctor, sometimes finding the right vet can require a little research and patience. There are vets who definitely prefer one type of animal over another and when you’re spending out good money on treatments you want a professional who knows your dog’s needs inside and out.

Here’s what you can do to make sure you’re getting the best healthcare for your best furry friend:

Take A Trip

When you book your first appointment with the vet make sure you take a good look at the facilities. 

How clean and well kept is the waiting area? Are there any obvious hazards or signs that it’s not well cared for or cleaned regularly?

Make sure you get a sense if the reception staff are well organised and seem on top of signing in new patients.

When you talk to the vet about your dog, do they seem interested and friendly? Look for a rapport that you can build on and monitor how friendly and genuine they are with you pet. It might seem inconsequential, but do they talk to your dog in friendly terms and actively seek to reassure them or just get on with the job at hand?

Go with your gut feeling and if you don’t feel comfortable with the vet, ask to change or seek out a new practice.

Image courtesy of Pexels


Unless you want to take the risk, you’ll probably want to insure your pet so make sure the practice you register your pet at accepts your insurance provider.

If you don’t have dog insurance then shop around for the best deals and find out how much it’s going to cost to protect your pet. The older the dog, the steeper the premiums are likely to be so it’s worth covering them as puppies with a lifetime plan. As your dog ages and trips to the vet become more frequent, you’ll be glad you opted to keep up your monthly premiums.

Your best friend is so much more than just a pet, they’re who you come home to after a long day at work and who you can rely on to always be there to cheer you up or make you laugh with their antics. 

Pay them back for their unswerving loyalty with healthcare tailored just for them. A friendly vet who makes the process of a visit that much easier and a practice that takes care of its guests properly.

Take out insurance that helps ease the financial burden of vet bills and enjoy the immense privilege and fun of being a dog owner.

Featured Lesson

Tips and How to Evacuate with Your Dogs Help

 How to Evacuate with Your Dog's Help click above to see my book! If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters, such as hur...

Author Amber Higgins

Author Amber Higgins
Click Pic to Visit my author page

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Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links that I have reviewed and approved. Additionally links to products such as at Amazon are products I have personally used. Affiliate links means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. The proceeds earned are not much and used to keep this Family Disaster Dogs website free to the public. Thank you for your support.

Welcome UK and Worldwide Visitors

Welcome UK and worldwide visitors and friends to Family Disaster Dogs online! Although I'm an American author and dog professional the worldwide web has given me the opportunity to connect with some wonderful folks who have contributed pictures for my books. The "Start Mantrailing" book features RRI K9 North Scotland trained Search and Rescue Dog "Amber" on the cover and her teammates training in the book, plus American dogs using my training methods. A portion of sales of the Start Mantrailing book or copies were donated to RRI North Scotland. The children's picture book "My Puppy Can Find Me" has my daughter and bloodhound as illustrations by UK cartoonist Scotty King. You can find the books on Amazon UK or use the contact page to order from me. When you click the links will take you to your own county pages of this site.

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