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Friday, January 4, 2019

Training Your Dog to Protect Your Child

Dogs tend to be loyal creatures by nature and will generally protect any member of the family if they spot a threat. However, it can be wise to train them specifically to protect a child, which is not quite the same as their usual training. The earlier you start to train them the better, but even dogs that have passed the puppy stage can still be trained for this important task.

Your dog is already a valuable member of your family and he sees you as his pack with the children being the cubs. Training them to protect the cubs can take a few weeks, sometimes a little longer. Once they know what to do though, they will never forget it and will guard your children always.

The Basics

Before you can train your dog to be a child protector they have to know the basic commands. They should sit, walk, some, stay, be quiet or bark at your command. They should also be allowed to interact with other people and dogs so that they learn to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

Leather dog collars with a leash, some treats for when they do well and a place to train are the best way to get started. The only other you will need is a lot of patience.

Using The Leash

From when he is a young pup you should take your dog a walk to get him used to you being in control. Let him be fussed by people you know are safe, but with strangers give a slight tug on the leash and hold him back. Dogs have a sense about who is good and bad and they will very soon start barking at someone they are not too keen on.

Over time, the dog will react differently with various people and will automatically go into protection mode if they do not like someone that approaches you. When you see this happening it is time to let your child take the leash and the dog will very soon learn that it is them they need to protect. This protection will become a habit that happens automatically if your children are playing outside, for instance.

Getting Them To Bark

Your dog has to be fully socially trained before you can train them to protect your child. Take them out into a lot of different environments where they will meet different people, other animals and experience new sights and sounds. They need to obey your commands no matter what distractions there are.

Most dogs will bark as a stranger approaches. Let him bark 2 or 3 times and then give a tug on his leash and tell him ‘quiet’. When he does as he is told give him a treat and he will soon learn when he should bark and when he should be quiet.

Next move onto the child holding the leash and giving the ‘quiet’ command and when he starts to obey your child, let them give him the treat.

After using either of these methods you will know that your child is always safe when your dog is around.

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