Sign-up for Classes
then sign-up below
40 years experience
General Pet Advice and Problem Solving
Obedience, Manners , Dog Breeding
Newborn Puppy Care
Retired kennel owner, 15 year pet spa owner, professional groomer, instructor; certified obedience to law enforcement K9 tactic and tracking/man-trailing
Within 24 hours of sign-up
I will contact you directly to set-up the date and time for our meeting and class.
Class is held locally at your home or at a beautiful national park
or via video phone chat
Group class discount available
Ask about Board and Train
Book signings are free at your location
Contact me for info
I'm a certified Obedience to advanced K9 Tactics and Bloodhound Instructor
You can pay in person too!
Learn how-to teach a dog one or several new skills
1. Teach any dog to find and rescue your family members or friends
2. Learn all-levels obedience, manners, problem solving, puppies, housebreaking, grooming
3. Train and work Search and Rescue Dogs, Bloodhound Mantrailing (K9SAR), Tracking
4. Learn about emergency preparedness, evacuating with pets, how-to pack an emergency supply bag (bug-out bag) and teach any dog to wear a bug-out bag.
5. Learn to properly bath, brush, and trim any breed dog or cat from a pro like a pro! Save money, groom your pets yourself after a class or two with me showing you how-to-do any pet haircut or coat shedding treatment, medicated bath and flea or tick removal and prevention.
6. Get any pet care advice or a reference to the services you need for your pets