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Thursday, December 14, 2017

The 5 Cutest Dog Breeds Around Right Now

I’ve heard some people say that dogs aren’t cute. Well, that’s just a load of rubbish, isn’t it? To prove how rubbish that statement is, here are five of the cutest dog breeds you’re likely to see right now.


Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire is known for a lot of things; great cricket players, exceptional tea, and one of the cutest terriers around. The Yorkshire terrier is an iconic small dog that’s almost too cute to handle. Small enough to pick up and cuddle, with one of the cutest coats you’ll ever see. Their fur is just kind of scraggly and soft - it’s hard to describe! Factor in their pointy ears and little eyes, and you have an adorable pet. Plus, they all look like they’ve got long moustaches, which is quite frankly hilarious.


Labrador Retriever

Fans of the old Andrex adverts will immediately know this dog breed. The legendary figurehead for the toilet paper brand has adorned our screens for many years and looked adorable while doing so. Labrador retrievers are so beautiful. Their coats are soft, and their ears flop down to make their heads look small and cute. There’s something about their default facial expression that makes them always look really upset too. This just makes us go ‘awww’ whenever we see one; such a cute dog like Follies Labrador.


Pomskies are one of the more recent breeds of dog that you’ll find these days. As it says over on the Pomsky Dog website, it’s a cross between a Pomeranian and husky. When these two breeds are merged together, you get a super cute puppy. It has the small fluffiness of a Pomeranian, with the iconic silver and white coat of a husky. They’re very affectionate and don’t grow to be too big, making them ideal if you want a cute little pet.


It would be criminal of me to write a list of the cutest dog breeds and not talk about Pomeranians on their own. While this dog is used to breed with other dogs to create new breeds like pomskies, it’s still one of the cutest dogs around. They’re small little fluff balls that seem to constantly have their tongues hanging out. They’re so friendly and full of energy. Watching a pommie run around your house is one of the cutest things ever. Their legs almost move faster than their body, it’s adorable.


Miniature Dachshund

Immediately, any dog breed with the word miniature in its name gets our attention. Normally, the smaller something is, the cuter it will be. The regular dachshund is still a very adorable puppy, with its sleek coat and sausage-like body, it looks so cute when it walks around. But, the smaller version is a whole new level of adorable. The stumpy legs are so funny but in a nice way. You can’t stop watching them move, and the long floppy ears just add to the cuteness. They’re very playful too, and always keen to have a cuddle.

If you’re having a bad day then maybe this article is just what you needed to cheer yourself up! Or, if you’re thinking about buying a dog for Christmas, these are some great options. I hope you enjoyed this piece, and check back for more doggy goodness in the future.

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