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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Have You Just Adopted A Dog? Give Yourself A Big Pat On The Back


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Dogs are precious animals. To many of us, they are more than just pets, they’re companions. 

Unfortunately, some dogs can’t find homes. That’s when caring people step in and provide them with a family. 

Is that what you’ve just done? If so, give yourself a big pat on the back. You’re making the world a better place. 

You Might Have Just Saved Their Life

Adopting a dog is about more than providing them with a pleasant home. In fact, in many cases, you could be saving their life. 

Figures suggest that people rescue around a million dogs a year in the US. If it wasn’t for these individuals, shelters would overflow and there would be nowhere to keep them. The only choice would be to put them down, and nobody who cares about dogs wants that. By rescuing a dog, you’re freeing up space for other animals to have a chance to look for a home. 

You’ll Earn A Great Friend

You can also give yourself a nice big pat on the back for getting a new friend. Dogs love people and being around their family. They always want to be in a group. As long as you look after your new pet, they will always be loyal. 

You Can Learn How To Rescue Other Dogs

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Adopted dogs sometimes have checkered pasts. Things haven’t always gone right for them, which is why they wind up in shelters. 

As Nicole Simone of Redemption Paws points out, it can take a lot of work adopting a dog. In many cases, you have to engage in rehabilitation so that the rescued pup can be a happy and healthy animal. 

The first time you do this, it’s a steep learning curve. However, after that, it gets significantly easier. Once you’re on your third or fourth, you know the drill and can rescue dogs much more easily. 

You Just Saved Yourself Some Money

Buying a pedigree pooch as a puppy is expensive, particularly if you go to a well-respected breeder. It’s easy to spend more than $1,000 getting the dog that you want. 

When you adopt, though, it’s pretty much free. Shelters will usually just perform a few background checks, then you’re free to ride off into the sunset with your new dog. Sure, you’ll have to provide food and toys, but the costs of doing so are minimal for most people. 

You’ll Improve Your Own Healthy

Study after study shows that dog owners are healthier than the rest of the population. Not only do they do more exercise, but they also seem less prone to allergies, thanks to the beneficial bacteria and particles that pups bring to the home. 

You Will Change Your Dog’s World

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Lastly, adopting a dog changes their world. They go from a neglectful or abusive life into one full of love and compassion. When you bring them into your home, you are giving them the life that they deserve and making sure that they get the most out of life. 

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